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A Dictionary of Modern English Usage


Kiadó: Oxford at the Clarendon Press
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Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 742 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 19 cm x 13 cm
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A beállítást mentettük,
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I cannot deny myself the pleasure of publicly thanking Lt-Col. H. G. Le Mesurier, C.I.E., who not only read and criticized in detail the whole MS. of this book, but devised, at... Tovább


I cannot deny myself the pleasure of publicly thanking Lt-Col. H. G. Le Mesurier, C.I.E., who not only read and criticized in detail the whole MS. of this book, but devised, at my request, a scheme for considerably reducing its bulk. That it was not necessary to adopt this scheme is due to the generosity of the Clarendon Press in consenting to publish, at no high price, an amount much greater than that originally sanctioned.
On behalf of the Press, Mr. Frederick Page and Mr. C. T. Onions have made valuable corrections and comments.
The article on morale has appeared previously in the Times Literary Supplement, that on only in the Westminster Gazette, and those on Hyphens, Inversion, Metaphor, Split infinitive, Subjunctives, and other matters, in S.P.E. Tracts.
H. W. F.
ä ë i o ü öö (mate, mete, mite, mote, mute, moot) a ë i ö ű öö (rack, reck, rick, rock, ruck, rook) a e i ö ü öö=ä or â, ööor <56, &c.
aeiouar er or These italic letters stand for light vague sounds (stigma, silent, cousin, contato, submit, beggar, pertain, motor). S er ír or Or (mare, mere, mire, more, mure) ar er or (part, pert, port)
ah aw oi oor ow owr (bah, bawl, boil, boor, brorw, bower)
CONSONANTS of whieh the value needs defining
eh (child, each : not as to chaos, champagne, loch) dh (dhät, mü'dher, = Ihat, mother) g (gag, gel : not as to gentle) j (juj =judge)
ng (singer s not as in finger, ginger)
ngg (fi'ngger = finger)
s (saws =sauce : not as in lazos)
th (thinketh : not as in this, smooth)
zh(röözh, vi'zhn, =rouge, vision)
For h, r, w, to ah, ar &c., ow, owr, see Vowels Vissza

H. W. Fowler

H. W. Fowler műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: H. W. Fowler könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage A Dictionary of Modern English Usage

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