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Cats We Love


Kiadó: Minerva
Kiadás helye: Geneive
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 143 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 20 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér és színes fotókkal gazdagon illusztrált.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






In our countries, the domestic cat is the only member of the feline family which willingly lives in houses but it always retains a certain independence and submits to man only as long as it chooses to do so. The cat will feel affection for those who take care of it; if the cat is neglected and left to itself, it will remain in the place where it was born but without becoming attached to those who live there. Man is always free to vary the degree of domestication of his cat.
As the domestic cat is there for all to see, the whole family can enjoy watching and studying it. It is undoubtedly a beautiful, clean, lovable and graceful creature. Each one of its movements is charming and its agility is truly admirable. It walks sedately and its velvet-like paws, the claws carefully sheathed, touch the ground completely escapes our ear. At one and the same time, each step reveals the mobility, grace and fineness of its whole being. The cat runs only when pursued by another animal or when... Tovább


In our countries, the domestic cat is the only member of the feline family which willingly lives in houses but it always retains a certain independence and submits to man only as long as it chooses to do so. The cat will feel affection for those who take care of it; if the cat is neglected and left to itself, it will remain in the place where it was born but without becoming attached to those who live there. Man is always free to vary the degree of domestication of his cat.
As the domestic cat is there for all to see, the whole family can enjoy watching and studying it. It is undoubtedly a beautiful, clean, lovable and graceful creature. Each one of its movements is charming and its agility is truly admirable. It walks sedately and its velvet-like paws, the claws carefully sheathed, touch the ground completely escapes our ear. At one and the same time, each step reveals the mobility, grace and fineness of its whole being. The cat runs only when pursued by another animal or when it is suddenly frightened; its walk then changed into a series of leaps which soon take it out of reach. When the cat falls, it always lands on its feet whatever the height. When the fall is consi- Vissza
Megvásárolható példányok
Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love Cats We Love

A védőborító, a borító és a lapélek kissé foltosak. A védőborító enyhén kopott.

3.480 ,-Ft
17 pont kapható