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A Grammar of Modern English for Foreign Students


Kiadó: Longmans, Green and Co Ltd
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött papírkötés
Oldalszám: 274 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 12 cm
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


THE ALPHABET There are twenty-six letters in the English Alphabet: (?) Capitals : ABCDEPGHI JKLMNOPQE S T U V W X Y Z. (?) Small letters : abcdefghijklmnopqrs t u v w x y z. The letters a e i o u... Tovább


THE ALPHABET There are twenty-six letters in the English Alphabet: (?) Capitals : ABCDEPGHI JKLMNOPQE S T U V W X Y Z. (?) Small letters : abcdefghijklmnopqrs t u v w x y z. The letters a e i o u are called Vowels ; the others are called Consonants, The Phonetic Alphabet As the English language is not a phonetic language, the above vowels are pronounced in many different ways. In order to show what sounds they may possibly represent, a different and more comprehensive alphabet is necessary. This other alphabet is an alphabet of symbols and it is called 6 The Phonetic Alphabet.' For example, the letter 6 a ? has quite different sounds in the following words : Hate, man, many, what, water, again, hare, last. As we have not enough letters to represent these different vowel sounds, we use Phonetic Symbols, each of which represents a definite sound. Thus a certain symbol must often be used to represent different vowels or different combinations of vowels, as in the following w^ords : Bed, said, read (past form of 4 to read ') ; make, they, freight, lain ; chair, where, hare, pear, their ; etc. Similarly a certain symbol must be used to represent different consonants or different combinations of consonants, as : Cat, kitten, queen, taxi; gentle, just, judge, etc. a* Vissza


1. The Alphabet PAGE 1
2. General Hints on Spelling 4
3. The Use of Capitals 6
4. General Definitions and Explanations . 7
5. Parts of Speech . . 12
6. Sentences, Clauses, Phrases . 14
7. Construction of Sentences 15
8. Inversion . 19
9. The Noun . 21
Kinds-Gender-Number-Cases-Noun Equivalents
10. The Adjective 46
Kinds-Attributive and Predicative Uses-Uses of
Possessive Pronominal Adjectives-Uses of 4 Some 5
and 4 Any 9-Comparison-The Articles-Uses of
the Articles-Position of the Adjective-4 All9 and
4 Both 9-Uses of Numerals.
11. The Pronoun 72
Kinds-Restrictive and Continuative Relative Pronouns-4 So.9
12. The Verb. 89
Kinds-4 To tell9 and 6 To say 9-Complements-
Prepositional Verbs-Anomalous Verbs-Conjugation
of 4 to be 9-Uses of 4 to be 9-Conjugation of 4 to
have 9-Uses of 4 to have 9-4 Shall5 and 4 Will9
-4 Should 9 and 4 Would 9-Conjugation of 4 to do9
- Uses of 'to do'- May; 'Can/ cMust,5
' Ought5-6 Dare,' 4 Need '-4 Lei'-Conjugations-
FTeak, Strong, and Mixed Verbs-Uses of Certain
Past Participles-Verbs with more than one Use
or Meaning-Conjugation of L to teach '-Uses of
the Tenses-Voice-Mood-Conditional Sentences-
The Infinitive Mood-Uses of Infinitives-Kinds
of Infinitives-The Infinitive with 4 to '-The Infinitive without c to 5-The Gerund-The Verbal Noun-
The Participle-Forms and Functions of Gerunds and
Participles-The Sequence of Tenses-Direct and
Indirect Speech.
13. The Adverb 197
Kinds-Comparison-Uses-The Adverbial Accusative-Verbs and Adverbs in Composition.
14. The Preposition 210
Function-Prepositional Phrases-Uses of Certain
Prepositions-General Notes on Certain Prepositions.
15. The Conjunction 231
Kinds-Noun, Adjective, and Adverb Clauses.
16. The Interjection . . . . . .241
17. The Same Words used as Different Parts of
Speech 241
18. Analysis of Sentences 252
19. Punctuation 261
20. Index 269

Cyril Miller

Cyril Miller műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Cyril Miller könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
A Grammar of Modern English for Foreign Students A Grammar of Modern English for Foreign Students A Grammar of Modern English for Foreign Students A Grammar of Modern English for Foreign Students

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4.480 Ft
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