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A History of Heresy


Kiadó: New English Library
Kiadás helye: London
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Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 243 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 14 cm
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^feresy> a cyilic migh t say, is thé opinion held by a minority of men which the majority declares unacceptable and is strong enough to punish. '
The Christian church has, from earliest times, been concerned to define its doctrines, to question its teachings and to lay down a body of faith which could be called orthodo.xy. Those who have disagreed with this orthodoxy have generally been called.heretics. ' .
. From earliest times too, politicSi orthodoxy and heresy have been inextricably entwined and the purpo.se of this book — the first general survey of héresy aimed not only at theologians but equally at those concerned with- history, . society and , philosophy — is to show the development of theological teachings against the background of political and social developments which shaped it.
The church has never beien a.static institution and many of those original thinkers,.condemned in.their time as heretics, are today regarded as martyrs, cherished as saints. Heresy could,... Tovább


^feresy> a cyilic migh t say, is thé opinion held by a minority of men which the majority declares unacceptable and is strong enough to punish. '
The Christian church has, from earliest times, been concerned to define its doctrines, to question its teachings and to lay down a body of faith which could be called orthodo.xy. Those who have disagreed with this orthodoxy have generally been called.heretics. ' .
. From earliest times too, politicSi orthodoxy and heresy have been inextricably entwined and the purpo.se of this book — the first general survey of héresy aimed not only at theologians but equally at those concerned with- history, . society and , philosophy — is to show the development of theological teachings against the background of political and social developments which shaped it.
The church has never beien a.static institution and many of those original thinkers,.condemned in.their time as heretics, are today regarded as martyrs, cherished as saints. Heresy could, however, also be a product of extreme conservatism, a revolt against natural progress. Heresies have a tendency to appear ' and di.sappear, their guise shaped by their times, but nevertheless, recognisable.
The early church, often more concerned with its differences than its bonds, was forced to question the structure-and place of the Holy Trinity; to ask itself if the Son of God could be the same age as the Father; to understand ,why, if the Virgin was the source of God, was she not a Goddiess.
By the twelfth century, fresh from victories in the Crusades, the Christian majority felt free to use the
[continued on back flap]
same fervour in wiping out dissidents ifi their mitist. So began the ghastiy period of the Inquisition when heresy was punished by death at the stake, A suspect ¦was guilty until proved innocentv no one was ever acquitted. Civil,authorities attended and sanctioned the passing of isentences.
The Church a.nd Stat? are today considerably less entwined than during the Reformation and post-Reforniation period wheri to be a., heretic was frequently to be a traitorj but within the last century new sects have grown 'perhaps relatively as fast as the Christian church in the first hundred years of its existence. Is orthodoxy to be found among them, and if so, with which?'
The author David Christie-Murray has succeeded in the mammoth task of making a vast subject readily understandable without trivialising or omitting what is or has been important. Concentrating as he has nqt only on doctrines and philosophies but ajso on those people who shaped or opposed them,'he has brought to life an excep--tionaUy-fascinating subject and presented a view of history through theology not previously attempted.
David Christie-Murray was educated at the universities of London and Oxford and at Wyclif Hall, Oxford, an Anglican Theological College. He started his working life as a journalist, became a schoolmaster and was later ordained. After twenty-seven years he resigned orders, having moved, theologically,, from the Anglican position tpwards that of the Society of Friends. Since retiring from teaching at Harrow School he has devoted his time to writing. His previous publications include Heraldry in the Churches of Beckenham, Armorial Bearings of British Schools and The Hamlyn Bible for Children. Vissza



David Christie-Murray

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