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A New Dictionary of British History


Kiadó: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 407 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Első kiadás. További szerkesztők a kötetben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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In 1937 we published A Dictionary of British History edited by J. A. Brendon. This proved very successful with teachers and students and it quickly sold out of its first impression, but war-time conditions prevented its re-issue. When we approached the present editor with a view to producing a revised edition, it was decided at once that this revision should be-come a completely new book.
The contributors have co-operated in draw-ing up the list of entries to ensure that no important topic has been neglected, while their close co-operation has helped to minimise the risk of error, as they have all seen, at least in proof, every entry.
All purely biographical entries, which in Brendon's Dictionary took up more than half of the book, have been excluded, for these are readily available elsewhere. The space thus gained has been used for increasing the scope as well as the number of individual headings.
The rangé of subject matter... Tovább


In 1937 we published A Dictionary of British History edited by J. A. Brendon. This proved very successful with teachers and students and it quickly sold out of its first impression, but war-time conditions prevented its re-issue. When we approached the present editor with a view to producing a revised edition, it was decided at once that this revision should be-come a completely new book.
The contributors have co-operated in draw-ing up the list of entries to ensure that no important topic has been neglected, while their close co-operation has helped to minimise the risk of error, as they have all seen, at least in proof, every entry.
All purely biographical entries, which in Brendon's Dictionary took up more than half of the book, have been excluded, for these are readily available elsewhere. The space thus gained has been used for increasing the scope as well as the number of individual headings.
The rangé of subject matter has been ex-tended to comprise all countries which are, or at somé time were, part of England and her overseas possessions, the British Empire, or the Commonwealth of Nations. Their history, however, is carried on only as long as their British connexion lasted. Political, constitu-tional, administrative, legal, ecclesiastical and economic events have received varying stress in different periods, but the aim has been to strike a fair balance between their claims to the historian's attention. The histories of literature, music, the arts and architecture, philosophy and science have been excluded, except in a few cases when they have direct
continued on back flap
continued from front flap
bearing on other aspects of history. The internál history of Scotland and Ireland, al-though not neglected, has been treated less fully than that of Wales, whose close associa-tion with England from Román times onward warranted more detailed coverage.
The contributors have taken particular care to make information easily accessible by using as headings those terms which come most readily to mind, even if they are not strictly accurate; this makes the book very valuable for quick reference. The immense scope of the subject matter, the concise analysis of all the important topics in British history, and the clarity of presentation all combine to make this a book which will prove an invaluable companion to students and teachers of history for many years. Vissza
Megvásárolható példányok
A New Dictionary of British History A New Dictionary of British History A New Dictionary of British History A New Dictionary of British History

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