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An Introduction to Interpreting

A Practeacher's Course Book 1.


Kiadó: Patrocinium Kft.
Kiadás helye:
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 121 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 978-615-5107-14-6
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






The ten chapter of this commendable book introduce the fundamentals of interpreting as a profession. The models are particularly useful. The Comprac model tells us about the mechanisms of language mediation. The Flower Head model provides a handy on-the-job checklist, useful for both clients and agents, and the Interpreter ID-al model is a guide for those wanting to develop the ideal skills, attitudes and values needed for the profession.
The appendices also provide a wealth of instructional and anecdotal material. The 'Bottlenecks' — personal accounts of interpreting maladies — are witty and instructive, and they illustrate the myriad pitfalls of conference interpreting to those who are not yet familiar with the nitty-gritty of the service. Also included is an invaluable collection of shorthand abbreviations, combining Rozan's well-known symbols with a neat assortment of those used by professionals today. The reader can leaf back and forth between the course lessons and the... Tovább


The ten chapter of this commendable book introduce the fundamentals of interpreting as a profession. The models are particularly useful. The Comprac model tells us about the mechanisms of language mediation. The Flower Head model provides a handy on-the-job checklist, useful for both clients and agents, and the Interpreter ID-al model is a guide for those wanting to develop the ideal skills, attitudes and values needed for the profession.
The appendices also provide a wealth of instructional and anecdotal material. The 'Bottlenecks' — personal accounts of interpreting maladies — are witty and instructive, and they illustrate the myriad pitfalls of conference interpreting to those who are not yet familiar with the nitty-gritty of the service. Also included is an invaluable collection of shorthand abbreviations, combining Rozan's well-known symbols with a neat assortment of those used by professionals today. The reader can leaf back and forth between the course lessons and the appendices to see how the theories reflect the practical reality of interpreting. I recommend this book not only to trainee interpreters, but also to a much broader audience of professional interpreters, service providers, conference organizers and anyone who is involved or interested in the processes of language mediation.
Viktor Silchuk Professional Interpreter
A jegyzet egyszerre összetett és egyszerű, akárcsak maga a tolmácsolás. Bendik tanár úr több évtizedes értékes tapasztalataiból tömören, ugyanakkor finom, elegáns angolsággal megírt jegyzete megítélésem szerint igen hasznos kézikönyvként szolgál úgy kezdő, mint gyakorló szakmabeliek számára, sőt nem túlzás azt állítani, hogy kellemes olvasmány lehet bárki számára, akit érdekel a nyelvi kifejezés világa, a nyelvi és a kulturális közvetítés kérdése.
Ulmer Edith gyakorló tolmács
B 6yMa>khom BapHairre Kimra mhc HpaBirrca öoAbine, neM b aAeicrpoHHOM, h K AOAHCHa otmcthtb, hto 3TO OHeHb IIOAC3HMH H "HHTaŐeAbHHH" yHeÖHHK.
CnacüGo aBTopaiu!
E AeHa ÁAaM neAaror, nepeBOA^nK
2100 Ft Vissza


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