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Kiadó: Houghton Mifflin Company-The Riverside Press
Kiadás helye: Boston-Cambridge
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény kötés
Oldalszám: 440 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
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Anya seton
The last quarter of the tenth century was a time of conflict and searching. There was conflict between Church and State, and between Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. At the same time the Norsemen voyaged into the unknown, looking for new lands to pillage, and so discovered America.
Rumon, descendant of Charlemagne and of King Alfred, was a searcher. He had visions of the Islands of the Blessed, perhaps King Arthur's Avalon "where falls not hail, or rain, or any snow." Rumon came from Provence to visit the court of his cousin, King Edgar, and so began a quest that was to last his whole hfe, take him to far places, bring him sorrow, joy, privation, and honor.
Merewyn grew up in savage Cornwall — a lonely girl, sustained by stubborn courage and by pride in her descent from great King Arthur.
Chance — or fate — in the form of a shipwreck off the Cornish coast brought Rumon and Merewyn together and from that hour their lives were intertwined. Bound by his vow to her... Tovább


Anya seton
The last quarter of the tenth century was a time of conflict and searching. There was conflict between Church and State, and between Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. At the same time the Norsemen voyaged into the unknown, looking for new lands to pillage, and so discovered America.
Rumon, descendant of Charlemagne and of King Alfred, was a searcher. He had visions of the Islands of the Blessed, perhaps King Arthur's Avalon "where falls not hail, or rain, or any snow." Rumon came from Provence to visit the court of his cousin, King Edgar, and so began a quest that was to last his whole hfe, take him to far places, bring him sorrow, joy, privation, and honor.
Merewyn grew up in savage Cornwall — a lonely girl, sustained by stubborn courage and by pride in her descent from great King Arthur.
Chance — or fate — in the form of a shipwreck off the Cornish coast brought Rumon and Merewyn together and from that hour their lives were intertwined. Bound by his vow to her dying mother, Rumon brought Merewyn safely to England and kept from her and all others the shameful secret of her birth. But there his responsibihty ended. Alfrida, Queen of England, dazzled him with her beauty and held him in subjection to her will.
Freed by the revelation of Alfrida's murderous actions, Rumon finally turned to Merewyn, only to find that he had lost her. His search led him across the Atlantic to an unknown land, to disappointment, and at last to fulfillment and peace.
The stories of Rumon and Merewyn are spun out against a broad background of history and place, which include Iceland, Greenland, North America, England harried by Vikings; St. Dunstan's efforts to reform the English church; Eric the Red's ill-conceived colonization of Greenland. It is a saga of yearning and mystery, tragedy, saintliness, and love.
c<cii nuuci
ANYA SETON is known for her distinguished contributions to our knowledge of English and American history. In reviewing Katherine for the New York Herald Tribune, Geoffrey Bruun wrote: "Miss Seton combines the historian's respect for chronology and milieu with a novelist's flair for concrete description, drama, and dialogue." Fanny Butcher, in the Chicago Tribune, described The Win-fhrop Woman as "that rare literary accomplishment — living history." James Gray wrote in the Saturday Review that Devil Water "conquers space, time, and fate — and, what is even more remarkable, tedium too — in its at once tumultuous and tidy reconstruction."
In Avalon, Anya Seton once more brings history to life.
Jacket by William Hofmann

Anya Seton

Anya Seton műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Anya Seton könyvek, művek
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Avalon Avalon Avalon

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