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Beginning Windows NT Programming

Visual C++


Kiadó: Wrox Press Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Birmingham
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 589 oldal
Sorozatcím: Wrox Beginning Guides
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 19 cm
ISBN: 1-861000-17-0
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal. További kapcsolódó személyek a kötetben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Wrox Beginning Guides are expertly crafted to make learning fundamental programming techniques easier than you think. Whether you're taking your first steps in programming or broadening your skills with new techniques, Wrox books guarantee a carefully structured tutorial formát that will guide you through all the techniques involved. First, each concept is explained, to give you a solid understanding of die material. We then apply your new understanding to practical and realistic project examples. These projects take you right up to the point where you can develop professional applications to be proud of.
The Wrox Philosophy
Our aim is to make you successful by sharing the knowledge of experienced programmers with you at every stage in your career.
Build your C++ programming career with Wrox
ATI COKI Programming
DCOM Application Development
COM Applications with ATL
Professional 1 Professional
Programming 1... Tovább


Wrox Beginning Guides are expertly crafted to make learning fundamental programming techniques easier than you think. Whether you're taking your first steps in programming or broadening your skills with new techniques, Wrox books guarantee a carefully structured tutorial formát that will guide you through all the techniques involved. First, each concept is explained, to give you a solid understanding of die material. We then apply your new understanding to practical and realistic project examples. These projects take you right up to the point where you can develop professional applications to be proud of.
The Wrox Philosophy
Our aim is to make you successful by sharing the knowledge of experienced programmers with you at every stage in your career.
Build your C++ programming career with Wrox
ATI COKI Programming
DCOM Application Development
COM Applications with ATL
Professional 1 Professional
Programming 1 with Visual C+ +
Windows NT
"This book is about learning to program Windows NT, but not the part that most Windows books cover. Rather than concentrating on the GUI side of Windows, we're going to be programming at the very coalface of the OS - with the Win32 API.
I want to show you how it works, and how to exploit the properties NT provides beyond Windows 95 or 98. This should enable you to take advantage of this industrial strength operating system in your programs. Through a series of realistic, coded examples, my book will show you how to develop better applications - more secure, more robust and with increased functionality." Julián Templeman
Who is this book for?
This book is for those who need to learn about the nuts and bolts of programming Windows NT using the Win32 API. You may have basic systems programming experience on another platform and now wish to understand the Microsoft environment. You should be a competent C + + programmer.
Note: The examples are developed in Visual C++ 6.0 but diere is no graphical windows programming or usage of specific GUI class libraries.
What does this book cover?
• The basic architecture of Windows NT
• Structure and programming of DLLs
• Windows NT structured error handling mechanisms (SEH)
• Programming multithreaded processes
• The core of Windows NT security
• Filé and memory control
• Writing a simple Windows NT service
• Manipulating the Registry with API functions
• Monitoring system information in your programs
• Using Inter-Process Communications (IPC) mechanisms Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Beginning Windows NT Programming Beginning Windows NT Programming Beginning Windows NT Programming Beginning Windows NT Programming Beginning Windows NT Programming Beginning Windows NT Programming

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