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Central Ideas in Sociology

An Introduction


Kiadó: Constable and Company Limited
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 191 oldal
Sorozatcím: Sociology and Social Welfare Series
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-09-459820-7
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

A beállítást mentettük,
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Most sociology books currently available are written from a single perspective. This introductory textbook presents a more sophisticated approach, by drawing on most of the major perspectives used in contemporary sociology: those of 'society', 'the social system', 'the individual', 'power and conflict', and finally a moral perspective, and applying them to themes central to the practice of sociology today, such as the moral order of social life, social definitions, role-playing, deviance and alienation, and power and social inequality. In so doing, it explores some of the very latest developments in sociological theory and some of the most controversial issues, as well as providing a valuable grounding in basic concepts and theories.
David Berry makes an original contribution by integrating the perspectives in a critical and humanistic way. At the same time he brings to light the tensions between them. Thus, the student is encouraged to see that there is no one ready-made... Tovább


Most sociology books currently available are written from a single perspective. This introductory textbook presents a more sophisticated approach, by drawing on most of the major perspectives used in contemporary sociology: those of 'society', 'the social system', 'the individual', 'power and conflict', and finally a moral perspective, and applying them to themes central to the practice of sociology today, such as the moral order of social life, social definitions, role-playing, deviance and alienation, and power and social inequality. In so doing, it explores some of the very latest developments in sociological theory and some of the most controversial issues, as well as providing a valuable grounding in basic concepts and theories.
David Berry makes an original contribution by integrating the perspectives in a critical and humanistic way. At the same time he brings to light the tensions between them. Thus, the student is encouraged to see that there is no one ready-made sociological perspective, and his imagination will, it is hoped, be stimulated to develop his own, and to relate his own sociological perceptions to both his own experiences and events in the world around him.
The author ends his book with discussions on the problem of objectivity and value commitment, and the relevance of sociology to social action.
The text is written in a lucid, jargon-free style, and uses everyday events and experiences as illustrations. Vissza



David Berry

David Berry műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: David Berry könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Central Ideas in Sociology Central Ideas in Sociology Central Ideas in Sociology Central Ideas in Sociology Central Ideas in Sociology Central Ideas in Sociology

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