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a Lonely Planet travel survival kit - Includes Hong Kong & Macau


Kiadó: Lonely Planet Publications
Kiadás helye: Hawthorn
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 1.001 oldal
Sorozatcím: Lonely Planet Travel Survival Kit
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-86442-363-2
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal, fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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After almost 30 years of being closed for repairs, the Middle Kingdom finally swung open its big red doors in the late 1970s. Tour groups trickled in, but the prospects for... Tovább


After almost 30 years of being closed for repairs, the Middle Kingdom finally swung open its big red doors in the late 1970s. Tour groups trickled in, but the prospects for individual travel looked extremely dim. Individuals were welcome to the People's Republic of China (PRC) by invitation only. The first hint that things might be changing was the arrival of solo visitors from Sweden and France (nations favoured by China), who stepped off the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1979.
In 1981, with little fanfare, the Chinese began issuing visas to solo and uninvited travellers through a couple of their embassies overseas, but mainly through various agencies in Hong Kong. News spread slowly by word of mouth, until by 1983 it seemed that just about everyone who landed in Hong Kong was going to China. After all, the world had been waiting over 30 years to travel in the country unfettered by tour guides.
Fifteen years later, the Chinese worid has changed inunensely. Gone is the socialist
paradise of hardy peasants and sturdy workers, uniformly clothed in blue, fashioning a brave new world to the beat of the hammer and anvil. Today a growing middle class shops for Chanel perfume and Lacoste polo shirts. Chinese cinematic productions sweep up awards in the film festivals of Europe. Chinese rockers perform on Asian MTV. China's first sex shop opened recently in Beijing. McDonald's and" KFC have spawned a fast-food revolution in Chinese eating habits. And karaoke has invaded the East and set the whole of China singing.
As many commentators like to remark perhaps a little hopefully - China is becoming more and more like other countries. To be sure, the problems of travel permits, dual currencies, poor transport connections, poor sanitation and lackadaisical service standards have all been vasdy improved. But problems remain. China is not always an easy country to travel in. Rampant inflation and a booming local tourist industry have pushed hotel and transportation prices Vissza


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¦I > I
lonely pkmel travel /urvivcil kit

The external boundanes of India on this map have not tjeen authenticated and may not tie correct-
This comprehensive guide makes China accessible to the independent traveller. It contains all the information you need to explore this massive, fascinating country - discover the largest Buddha in the world, restful backpacker getaways and the best views of the Great Wall. ^ ' ^ ¦ ' //
• includes Hong Kong & Macau - / -rz^É: f^'" ' ^
• over200maps ¦
• suggested itineraries for short or extended visits - —
• detailed information on getting around on public transport j" J
• comprehensive accommodation & restaurant guide to suit all budgets ';
• glossary of place names in English with Chinese script ^ _ - _
• special section on Chinese food 1 A
Also from Lonely Planet: Beijing city guide, Hong Kong city guide, Hong Kong, IVIacau & Guangzhou - travel survival kit, Mandarin... Tovább


' '.I f.-i, ' ¦ ¦ . V V ! ) ^^—! !< I M —r

¦I > I
lonely pkmel travel /urvivcil kit

The external boundanes of India on this map have not tjeen authenticated and may not tie correct-
This comprehensive guide makes China accessible to the independent traveller. It contains all the information you need to explore this massive, fascinating country - discover the largest Buddha in the world, restful backpacker getaways and the best views of the Great Wall. ^ ' ^ ¦ ' //
• includes Hong Kong & Macau - / -rz^É: f^'" ' ^
• over200maps ¦
• suggested itineraries for short or extended visits - —
• detailed information on getting around on public transport j" J
• comprehensive accommodation & restaurant guide to suit all budgets ';
• glossary of place names in English with Chinese script ^ _ - _
• special section on Chinese food 1 A
Also from Lonely Planet: Beijing city guide, Hong Kong city guide, Hong Kong, IVIacau & Guangzhou - travel survival kit, Mandarin phrasebook, Cantonese phrasebook, Tibetan phrasebook Vissza


Arts 47
Culture 57
Language 67
History 13 Government 41
Geography 36 Economy 43
Climate 37 Population 45
Flora & iFauna 39 People 46
Visas & Embassies 79 Time 96
Documents : 82 Electricity 96
C ustoms !.: 83 Laundry 96
Money 84 Weights & Measures 96
When to Go 87 Books 97
What to Bring 87 Maps 101
Tourist Offices 88 Media 101
Business Hours & Holidays 91 Film & Photography 104
Cultural Events 92 Health 105
Post & Telecommunicadons 92 Women Travellers 123
Dangers & Annoyances 123
Work 127
Activities 128
Highlights 129
Acconmiodation 133
Food 136
Drinks 143
Tobacco 145
Entertainment 145
Things to Buy 146
Air Land
149 Sea 162
155 Organised Tours 163
Leaving China 165
Local Transport 180
Organised Tours 182
Air 166 C^ & Motorcycle 175
Bus 168 Bicycle 176
Train : 170 Hitching '^.Kim
-nixi 175 Boat 180 ^
BEIJING — ».»»»184
History 184 Places to Stay 209
Orientation 186 Places to Eat 212
Information 186 Entertainment. 215
Things to See 195 Things to Buy 217
Getting There & Away 219
Getting Around 222
Around Beijing 225
»».: » 233
Getting Around 245
Around Tianjin 246
Information 235 Places to Eat 242
Things to See 235 Things to Buy 243
Places to Stay 239 Getting There & Away 244
251 Chengde ,; 255
Around Shijiazhuang 255
Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao & Shanhaiguan 261
Ji'nan 269 Zouxian 285
Around Ji' nan 272 Zibo 286
Taishan 276 Qingdao 286
Qufu 280 Around Qingdao 292
Yantai 292
Penglai 295
Weihai : 295
Nanjing 297
Around Nanjing 309
Grand Canal 310
Zhenjiang 310
Yangzhou 312
Yixing County 316
Dingshu (Jinshan) 317
Wuxi&LakeTaihu 317
Suzhou 322
Around Suzhou 329
Xuzhou 330
Lianyungang 331
Hefei 332
Bozhou 335
Huangshan Range 336
Tunxi (Huangshan Shi) 341
Jiuhuashan 341
Wuhu «Sc Guichi 342
History 343
Climate 345
Government 345
Economy 345
Population 345
What Was What
Things to See
Places to Stay
.346 Places to ^t ^, , 361
. 346 Entertai nmcnt .T 3 64
348 Things to Buy , 366
.349 Getting There & Away 367
.358 Getting Around 369
.384 .388 .388 .389
Wenzhou 389
Chun'an County 391
Hangzhou 371 Putuoshan
Shaoxing 380 Zhujiajian
Around Shaoxing 382 Xikou
Ningbo ;; 383 Tiantaishan
Fuzhou 392
Xiamen 397
Around Xiamen 403
Yongding 403
Quanzhou 404
Around Quanzhou 406
Meizhou 407
Wuyishan 407
Shenyang 410
Around Shenyang 417
Dalian 417
Around Dalian 422
.Bingyu Valley 423
Dandong 423
Around Dandong 425
Changchun! 426
Jilin 430
Around Jilin 432
Tianchi 433
Around Tianchi 4^5
Hunchun 436
Harbin 437
Around Harbin 445
Mudanjiang 445
Jingbo Lake i ^ 445
Suifenhe 446
Dongning 446
Wudalianchi ; 446
Heilong River Borderlands 448
Jiamusi 449
Qiqihar 449
Zhalong Nature Reserve 449
Taiyuan 454
Around Taiyuan 457
Wutaishan 458
Around Datong Yuncheng
.459 .462 .465
Ruicheng 466
Xi'an 467 Huashan
Around Xi' an 478 Huangling
.485 Yan'an „ 485
.485 Yulin 436
Zhengzhou 489 Luoyang 496 Around Anyang 501
Around Zhengzhou 493 Anyang 500 Kaifeng 501
hubei 506
Wuhan 506 Wudangshan 515
Yangzi River: Wuhan to Shennongjia 5J5
Chongqing & Shanghai 513 Yichang 515
jIangxi 518
Nanchang 518 Jiujiang 525 Yingtan 530
Jingdezhen 522 Lushan 527 Jinggangshan (Ciping) 530
hunan 532
Changsha 532 Zhuzhou :; 544 Wulingyuan Scenic Area/
Shaoshan 537 Hengyang 544 Zhangjiajie 545
Yueyang 541 Huaihua 545
the south
hong kong a macau 550
Hong Kong ,.550 Hong Kong Island 561 Post & Telecommunications 597
History 550 New Territories 567 Bookshops 598
Orientation 551 Outlying Islands k.- .i. 568 -i-Travel Agencies 598
Visas 551 Organised Tours 569 Film & Photography 599
Foreign Consulates 551 Places to Stay 569 Health 599
Money -.555 Places to Eat , 576 Emergency 599
Hong Kong Tourist Entertainment 580 Cultural Events 599
Association 556 Things to Buy : 583 Activities 600
Post & Telecommunications. 556 Getting There & Away 584 Macau Peninsula 600
Bookshops 557 Getting Around 589 Organised Tours 605
Libraries 558 Macau 592 Places to Stay 605
Cultural Centres -558 History 592 Places to Eat 607
Travel Agencies 558 Language , 592 Entertainment 608
Media 558 Visas 593 Things to Buy 609
Emergency 558 Money , 593 Getting There & Away 609
Activities 559 Macau Government Tourist Getting Around 611
Kowloon 559 Office 596
Guangzhou 612 Zhuhai , 644 ' i Shantou 653
Around Guangzhou 633 Zhongshan City 647 Around Shantou 656
Shenzhen 638 Zhaoqing , 648 Chaozhou , 656
Humen a. 1.643 Zhanjiang , , 651
hainan island
Climate 658 Haikou , 660 Monkey Island 665
Economy 658 Wenchang 6Ö4 Sanya 665
Population & People 659 Xinglong , 665 Tongzha ! . 669
Around the Island 660 Xmcun , 665 Qiongzhong 669
the south-west
Nanning 674 Guilin 679 Li River 686
Around Nanning 677 Around Guilin .,.686 Yangshuo 687

Around Yangshuo .690 Liuzhou 695
Longsheng & Sanjiang .691 Wuzhou 697
guizhou 701
Festivals .703 Kaili 712 >¦••• f W 1 714
Guiyang 703 Around Kaili 713 Xingyi 716
Anshun 708 Kaili to Liping 714
Around Anshun .710 Liping to Guilin 714
yunnan 717
Kunming 718 Around Dali 749 Xishuangbanna Region 764
Around Kunming ,.734 Dali to Lijiang 751 767
Stone Forest 738 Lijiang 751 Jinghong , ,767
Lunan 740 Around Lijiang 757 Around Jinghong 772
Xiaguan 741 Zhongdian 762 Baoshan Region 777
Around Xiaguan 743 Around Zhongdian 763 Dehong Region 784
Dali 743 Jinjiang 764
sichuan , 794
Chengdu 796 Meishan 825 Dazu 838
Around Chengdu 810 Chongqing 825 Western Sichuan & the Road
Emeisha'n 815 Downriver on the Yangzi: to Tibet 840
-.821 Chongqing to Wuhan .833 Northern Sichuan 849
the north & north-west
xinjiang . ¦ iL ' ' 858
Uriimqi 861 Shihezi 875 r Karakoram Highway . 1883
Around Uriimqi 867 875 Hotan 884
Hami 868 876
868 Around Kuqa xJa : ^,: 878 Around Yining X . ; ,887
Turpan 869 Kashgar 878 888
ArbundTurpan / 872 883 Around Altai . 888
gansu 889
Lanzhou 889 Xiahe 900 Jiayuguan . . 906
Around Lanzhou : .:S95 Around Xiahe : .904 910
Maijishan & Tianshui 897 G^su-Sichuan Route .904 Dunhuang 910
Gangu 899 Tianzhu 904 Around Dunhuang . : 914
Luomen 899 904 .
Linxia .;.899 Zhangye 905
ningxia , 919
Yinchuan 919 Zhongwei 924 Tongxin 926
Around Yinchuan 924 Around Zhongwei .925 Guyuan 926
inner mongolia - • 928
History ' 928 Baotou 938 Hailar 944
Hohhot .::932 Around Baotou .941 Manzhouli 945
Around Hohhot 936 Dongsheng ,.942 945
The Grasslands 936 Around Dongsheng .943
t bb & q niahal
tibet 948
History 948 Trekking 952 Travel Restrictions 952
Climate 952 Language 952 What to Bring 953
Health 953 Around Lhasa .
962 963 Rongbuk Monastery &
964 Everest Base Camp „ .967
•966 Zhangmu 967
966 Zhangmu to Kodari 968

Xining 969 QinghaiLake 974
Around Xining 973 Golmud 974
Maps 982 Text
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