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Christian Vocation


Kiadó: Dimension Books Inc
Kiadás helye: Denville
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 122 oldal
Sorozatcím: Dimension Library of Living Catholic Thought
Kötetszám: 11
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 19 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-232-51204-3
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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THE DIMENSION LIBRARY OF LIVING CATHOLIC THOUGHT is a series of books designed for all who wish to understand Cath-olic faith and practice. Based on the recent developments in Catholic life and thought, they offer the average reader (especially those in the Catholic school and home) an insight in-to what is happening to Catholic faith today. These books were written by the world's most distinguished authors but they are not in-tended to be detailed and academic expositions. Rather, they offer the general, non-pro-fessional reader "guide-posts" and suggestions for discussion and study.
1. How To Read The Bible.
2. What Is Prayer?
3. How To Make Up Your Mirici About Life.
4. Who Is A Christian.
5. The Christian And His World.
6. Alternatives And Difficulties For The
Catholic Today.
7. Marriage.
8. Finding Jesus.
9. Death And Destiny.
10. Prophétie Task Of The Church.
11. The Christian Vocation.
12. The Dimension Dictionary Of Catholic
Faith And Practice. ¦¦ ?.J... Tovább


THE DIMENSION LIBRARY OF LIVING CATHOLIC THOUGHT is a series of books designed for all who wish to understand Cath-olic faith and practice. Based on the recent developments in Catholic life and thought, they offer the average reader (especially those in the Catholic school and home) an insight in-to what is happening to Catholic faith today. These books were written by the world's most distinguished authors but they are not in-tended to be detailed and academic expositions. Rather, they offer the general, non-pro-fessional reader "guide-posts" and suggestions for discussion and study.
1. How To Read The Bible.
2. What Is Prayer?
3. How To Make Up Your Mirici About Life.
4. Who Is A Christian.
5. The Christian And His World.
6. Alternatives And Difficulties For The
Catholic Today.
7. Marriage.
8. Finding Jesus.
9. Death And Destiny.
10. Prophétie Task Of The Church.
11. The Christian Vocation.
12. The Dimension Dictionary Of Catholic
Faith And Practice. ¦¦ ?.J
DIMENSION BOOKS, INC. Denville, New Jersey Vissza



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Christian Vocation Christian Vocation Christian Vocation Christian Vocation Christian Vocation

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