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Contemporary Polish Painting

Kapcsolódó személy

Kiadó: Arkady Publishers Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Varsó
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 140 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 32 cm x 25 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér reprodukciókkal. További kapcsolódó személyek a kötetben.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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The choice of only 63 from amongst Poland's numerous painters and the presentation of only one work by each were intended to give an idea of the rich variety of trends and tendencies with which artistic ateliers have reverberated over the past 30 years. Moreover, it was decided to portray these paintings amid the controversies and tensions which had aurrounded them. The listing of names in alphabetical order has resulted in the juxtaposition of paintings widely separated from one another as regards character and conception, thereby accentuating this diversity and controversy. For it is worth emphasising that the history of contemporary Polish painting, as of all Polish art was not marked by harmonious development; instead, it was a process which unfolded in the fire of ceaseless, often tense and impassioned, discussion. In the course of that struggle, waged in the main through exhibitions, diverse tendencies would come to the fore, only to be supplanted in turn by others. They... Tovább


The choice of only 63 from amongst Poland's numerous painters and the presentation of only one work by each were intended to give an idea of the rich variety of trends and tendencies with which artistic ateliers have reverberated over the past 30 years. Moreover, it was decided to portray these paintings amid the controversies and tensions which had aurrounded them. The listing of names in alphabetical order has resulted in the juxtaposition of paintings widely separated from one another as regards character and conception, thereby accentuating this diversity and controversy. For it is worth emphasising that the history of contemporary Polish painting, as of all Polish art was not marked by harmonious development; instead, it was a process which unfolded in the fire of ceaseless, often tense and impassioned, discussion. In the course of that struggle, waged in the main through exhibitions, diverse tendencies would come to the fore, only to be supplanted in turn by others. They have all been more or less documented or at least mentioned in this book. But documentation was not the principal objective. Instead, the reproductions have been selected so as to reveal how there emerged from the welter of diverse tendencies and opposing attitudes a specifically Polish brand of painting, bearing witness in its own way to Poland's national culture. Vissza

Jerzy Zanoziński

Jerzy Zanoziński műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Jerzy Zanoziński könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting Contemporary Polish Painting

A védőborító enyhén szakadt, elszíneződött, a védőborító, a lapélek foltosak.

6.300 ,-Ft
32 pont kapható