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Crossing Over

The Stories Behind the Stories


Kiadó: Jodere Group, Inc.
Kiadás helye: San Diego
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény kötés
Oldalszám: 261 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 1-58872-002-0
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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An Excerpt from Crossing Over
About halfway through my talk, a tail woman in a long coat entered and walked along the back wall. She came in unobtrusively, but she had a dark energy that everyone in the room seemed to sense. People turned to look at her as she made her way left to right and found a place to stand in the corner. Okay, this might be a problem, I thought as I kept talking. Her negative energy was so strong that she was blocking out spirits that I had felt on that side of the room before she entered.
Then the woman screamed out, "Where's the proof?"
Everyone turned to look.
"You can't prove this scientifically! This is nonsense!"
The audience started murmuring. A man yelled at her, "Go write your own book. Shut up or leave."
"You're all stupid fools!"
This woman was my first heckler. Before it got too ugly, I stepped in. "Wait, wait," I said. "This woman obviously has her own belief system, or disbelief system. So why not listen? I always tell people to keep... Tovább


An Excerpt from Crossing Over
About halfway through my talk, a tail woman in a long coat entered and walked along the back wall. She came in unobtrusively, but she had a dark energy that everyone in the room seemed to sense. People turned to look at her as she made her way left to right and found a place to stand in the corner. Okay, this might be a problem, I thought as I kept talking. Her negative energy was so strong that she was blocking out spirits that I had felt on that side of the room before she entered.
Then the woman screamed out, "Where's the proof?"
Everyone turned to look.
"You can't prove this scientifically! This is nonsense!"
The audience started murmuring. A man yelled at her, "Go write your own book. Shut up or leave."
"You're all stupid fools!"
This woman was my first heckler. Before it got too ugly, I stepped in. "Wait, wait," I said. "This woman obviously has her own belief system, or disbelief system. So why not listen? I always tell people to keep their skepticism. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, but let's entertain her questions. But first"—1 looked at her—"I have just one question for you. Do you believe in God?"
"Well, then I don't think I can help you, because this is something that is driven by a belief in God. It's the energy from that force that I think allows us to create this energy."
The people applauded, and I got back to the audience. I closed my eyes, breathed deeply, and rubbed my hands. "I'm coming over here," I said, walking to my right toward a middle-aged woman. I noticed that a man had been sitting with her, but had gotten up and left. The woman acknowledged a few things. Meanwhile, Darth Vader was rolling her eyes. I tried to stay focused. It's your daughter who's coming through, I told the woman. She's saying she was murdered. But she wants you to know she is safe on the other side. The woman validated virtually everything I told her over the next few minutes. "I only wish my husband was still here to hear this," she said finally.
"1 did," came a soft voice from an unseen corner of the room.
USA $23.95
Publisher's Price Higher in Other Countries
lolinidward Will Clianye the Way You IW about Crossing Dver!
JOHN EDWARD is changing the way millions of people think about life after death. His nightly show, Crossing Over with John Edward, has been the talk of the television industry since it first hit the airwaves in June 2000 on the Sci Fi Channel. Now, as Crossing Over becomes nationally syndicated, the first-ever psychic television host takes his millions of fans behind the scenes of his life, his work, and his breakthrough program.
In Crossing Oi/er—the book—John brings his readers with him on the extraordinary journey that has been his life since his New York Times bestseller One Last Time was published in 1998. In the style of his TV show and personal appearances—poignant, funny, and remarkably candid—John deals head-on with the controversial issues he has confronted on his voyage as a psychic medium. Readers might be surprised to learn that it hasn't always been smooth sailing. On the way to becoming an internationally celebrated medium, John has had to learn his own lessons about the meaning of his work and about the motivations of some of the people he has met on his path.
The book also tells the powerful stories of the people John has encountered and the spirits that have accompanied them: The songwriter from Tennessee whose famous father comes through, setting off an extraordinary chain of events leading to an amazing discovery in a memorabilia store in Dallas. The science teacher who leaves her dying grandfather in a nursing home to come to a group reading with John—and finds her grandfather coming through half an hour later, saying he wanted her to leave his bedside so she could report back to the family that he had crossed over safely. The young woman working on a project with John whose murdered boyfriend interrupts a taping session to tell her that it's all right for her to move on. And John's own quest to hear from another medium the words he's waited a decade for; the signs he and his mother agreed she would give him from the Other Side to tell him she was okay. Through these stones and many others, John brings peace and insight to those who grieve for their loved ones.
Readers of this book will be captivated by the wit, warmth, and passion that John brings to his work, and by the stories behind the stories that have riveted millions of viewers of his landmark program.
JOHN EDWARD is an internationally acclaimed psychic medium, and author of the New York Times bestsellers One Last Time and What if God Were the Sun?. In addition to hosting his own syndicated television show, Crossing Over with John Edward, John has been a frequent guest on Larry King Live and many other talk shows, and was featured in the HBO documentary Life After Life. He publishes his own newsletter and also conducts workshops and seminars around the country. John lives in New York with his wife and their two dogs.
For more information regarding John Edward, see his Website at; www.johnedward.net.
J ojd:e E^
Jodere Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 910147
San Diego, CA 92191-0147
(800) 569-1002
(858) 638-8170 (fax)
Jacket design: KathI Dunn Photo of John Edward: Devon Cass
Printed in the United States of America Vissza



John Edward

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