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Dianetics 55!

The Complete Manual of Human Communication


Kiadó: New Era Publications International ApS
Kiadás helye: Koppenhága
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 343 oldal
Sorozatcím: A Hubbard Publication
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 978-87-7989-752-6
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A beállítást mentettük,
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p ^ -y hat is Knowledge? What is Truth? And what ^ /K J is the Secret? If you knew the answers you'd \ / \ / understanda//. Fortunately for you. they're right T V in your hands. For having codified the axioms and the route to exteriorization and Operating Thetan, Ron provided it all in the Scientology Auditor's Handbook- The Creation of Humán Ability. Amongst those breakthroughs, the importance of one factor stood above all-Communication. Contained in that word is no less than the "magical formula" which leads all the way out and which set a new direction for auditing at every level. In just that regard, Ron returned to Book One and in the framework of the problems addressed therein, applied the most advanced discoveries to their resolution. Here, then, is both the Second Book of Dianetics and the milestone Unification of Dianetics and Scientology as a combined whole- with the Complete Manual of Communication: • The complete description of the Awareness of Awareness Unit- First... Tovább


p ^ -y hat is Knowledge? What is Truth? And what ^ /K J is the Secret? If you knew the answers you'd \ / \ / understanda//. Fortunately for you. they're right T V in your hands. For having codified the axioms and the route to exteriorization and Operating Thetan, Ron provided it all in the Scientology Auditor's Handbook- The Creation of Humán Ability. Amongst those breakthroughs, the importance of one factor stood above all-Communication. Contained in that word is no less than the "magical formula" which leads all the way out and which set a new direction for auditing at every level. In just that regard, Ron returned to Book One and in the framework of the problems addressed therein, applied the most advanced discoveries to their resolution. Here, then, is both the Second Book of Dianetics and the milestone Unification of Dianetics and Scientology as a combined whole- with the Complete Manual of Communication: • The complete description of the Awareness of Awareness Unit- First revealed in Book One and now from the vantage of exteriőr ability • The new approach to all auditing and living-the accent on increasing ability, rather than deleting inabüity • The most complete description of the A-R-C Triangle- unveiled as no less than a mathematical formula to resolve any question, any problem and life itself • The "Secret" and its answer- revealing thesource of all Entrapment and, in turn, providing the key that unlocks every barrier • The Communication Formula -containing the anatomy and component parts of a cycle of communication and which, in use, is no less than a universal solvent • The Two-wqy Cycle of Communication-crucial to all auditing success and...even more important in living • All that and so much more-from the "foreverness" of the physical universe to the insidious role of "silence" that sticks one on the track, and from the anatomy of the "communication lag" to the singular process that creates a "One-shot Clear" In summary, here's the one book that stands as the linchpin not only to auditing, but to virtually all of freedom itself. Companion lecture series: The Unification Congress Dianeticists and Scientologists came from across the world to attend this Congress, where Ron not only announced Dianetics 55! (lecturing on its application and use), but the historic Unification of the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology.
No more fitting statement typifies L. Ron Hubbard than his simple declaration, "I like to help others and count it as my greatest pleasure in life to see a person free himself of the shadows which darken his days." With over two hundred millión copies of his works in circulation and dozens of international bestsellere, he has inspired a movement spanning eveiy continent on earth. All told, those works comprise somé 5,000 writings and 3,000 recorded lectures and, as such, not only stand as the single most embracive statement on the humán mind and spirit, but provide the only road to totál spiritual freedom. Yet the greatest testament to L. Ron Hubbard are the miracles of his technology, and the millions of friends who cariy forth that technology into eternity. Both continue to grow with each passing day.

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L. Ron Hubbard

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