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Vital Signs 2003

The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future - The Worldwatch Institute in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme


Kiadó: W. W. Norton&Company
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 153 oldal
Sorozatcím: Vital Signs
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 18 cm
ISBN: 0-393-32440-0
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a könyvben. Fekete-fehér ábrákkal illusztrálva.
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IENCE/ENVIRONMENT VITAL SIGNS 2003 From devastating resource wars fueled by oil or diamonds to a surge in clean, cheap wind power, Vitai Signs 2003 documents the trends that are shaping our future in concise analyses and clear tables and graphs. This twelfth volume of the Worldwatch Institute series hnds that the twin goals of protecting Earth's fragile ecosystems and improving the prospects of billions of people will not be achieved as long as humanity remains divided into the extremes of rich and poor. • Somé 70 percent of AIDS cases are in sub-Saharan Africa. Only 4 percent of those who need AIDS drugs can afford them. • With less than 5 percent of the world's people, the United States emits 24 percent of global carbon from fossil fuel burning; U.S. cars alone produce as much carbon as the entire Japanese economy. Vitai Signs 2003 alsó highlights areas of progress toward ecologically sustainable development and a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. "A key... Tovább


IENCE/ENVIRONMENT VITAL SIGNS 2003 From devastating resource wars fueled by oil or diamonds to a surge in clean, cheap wind power, Vitai Signs 2003 documents the trends that are shaping our future in concise analyses and clear tables and graphs. This twelfth volume of the Worldwatch Institute series hnds that the twin goals of protecting Earth's fragile ecosystems and improving the prospects of billions of people will not be achieved as long as humanity remains divided into the extremes of rich and poor. • Somé 70 percent of AIDS cases are in sub-Saharan Africa. Only 4 percent of those who need AIDS drugs can afford them. • With less than 5 percent of the world's people, the United States emits 24 percent of global carbon from fossil fuel burning; U.S. cars alone produce as much carbon as the entire Japanese economy. Vitai Signs 2003 alsó highlights areas of progress toward ecologically sustainable development and a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. "A key source of hard facts on global trends." - Booklist, boxed review i "Vitai Signs does for the environment what stock markét indicators do for the City [in London]. But it says more about the future of our world than the FTSE [Financial Times Stock Exchange] ever can." -BBC Wildlife Magaziné "Vitai Signs ... Read it, study it, embrace the sustainable lifestyle, then go forth and change the world." - Michael Pastore, ePublishers Weekly ISBN 0-393-32440-0 "A remarkable snapshot of the world today." -John Vidal, The Guardian ON THE COVER: Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest nations, is alsó one of the most vulnerable to changes in climate. The delta, förmed where the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna Rivers empty into the BayofBengal, ispopulated by farm families and fringed by the Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove forest. Scientists estimate that sea level rise over the next century could flood a large share of Bangladesh's monsoon riceland, displace millions of people, and destroy the Sundarbans. Photo provided bySeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE. a 9780393324402 Vissza


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