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Explore Canada

The Reader's Digest/CAA illustrated guide


Kiadó: Reader's Digest Association (Canada) Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Montreal
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 476 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 27 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 0-88850-041-6
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér és színes fotókkal, kihajtható mellékletekkel.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


"This is a new-style cross-Canada reference work for the traveler on places to go and things to see. It is a handy, well-mapped guide on how to get there, a handsome history of Canada's land and its people. In all, a fascinating produc-tion for casual reading or concentrated study, a truly originál concept. "
Gillis Purcell
former General Manager The Canadian Press
Here is a book for traveling, for browsing, for reference. Explore Canada is the product of more than two years of concentrated effort by 40 Canadian editors, writers, artists, photo-graphers, mapmakers and researchers. It has been designed to be of value not only for plan-ning trips but alsó (because of its wealth of painstakingly checked facts) in schools and libraries. Most of its 700 photographs are the work of five of Canada's leading photographers: Paul Baich, John de Visser, Pierre Gaudard, Freeman Patterson and Richárd Vroom. There are sections on Canada's geological and humán history, another... Tovább


"This is a new-style cross-Canada reference work for the traveler on places to go and things to see. It is a handy, well-mapped guide on how to get there, a handsome history of Canada's land and its people. In all, a fascinating produc-tion for casual reading or concentrated study, a truly originál concept. "
Gillis Purcell
former General Manager The Canadian Press
Here is a book for traveling, for browsing, for reference. Explore Canada is the product of more than two years of concentrated effort by 40 Canadian editors, writers, artists, photo-graphers, mapmakers and researchers. It has been designed to be of value not only for plan-ning trips but alsó (because of its wealth of painstakingly checked facts) in schools and libraries. Most of its 700 photographs are the work of five of Canada's leading photographers: Paul Baich, John de Visser, Pierre Gaudard, Freeman Patterson and Richárd Vroom. There are sections on Canada's geological and humán history, another (with more than 100 fine sketches) on the J^Zg features of Canadian 7 W dwellings, houses of worship and public buildings. A 384-page gazetteer describes things in somé 1,200 cities, towns, villages and national parks. These rangé from the treasures in the National Gallery and the venerable churches of Que-bec to Canada's natural wealth of mountains, plains and seacoast. Gazetteer entries are located on one or more of the maps in an accompanying 40-page atlas section. Symbols on the maps indicate the various attractions of the places in the gazetteer. Vissza


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Explore Canada Explore Canada Explore Canada Explore Canada Explore Canada Explore Canada Explore Canada Explore Canada Explore Canada

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