
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Forecast: Disaster

The future of El Nino


Kiadó: Dell Publishing
Kiadás helye:
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Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 196 oldal
Sorozatcím: Dell book
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-440-22661-9
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N 0 W H E R E IS S A F l . . . California sea lions wash up on shore starving because the rough seas have chased the fish away ... A forest fire the size of New England sears Australia . . . Deadly ice storms in Maine and Canada put thousands in the deep freeze . . . Tornadoes rip across the American South with a terrifying violence and a mounting death toll. The cause is El Nino, a mysterious weather phenomenon that has ravaged the world. Now the first comprehensive report on this powerful climatic force shows the full magnitude of El Nino's power and trail of destruction. Plus, it puts in one volume what scientists have learned and what you need to know about- THE DEADLY FORCES AT THE HEART OF EL NINO-DID WE CAÜSE THEM? THE HELPLESS TARGETS OF EL NINO'S FORY-AN EXTENSIVE LOOK AT THE FULL EXTENT OF THE DISASTER THE HISTORY SHAPED BY EL NINO'S PREVIOUS VISÍTS EL NINO RESEARCH . . . FROM HIGH ALTITUDE PLANES FLYING INTO STORMS TO OUTPOSTS ON THE GALÁPAGOS ISLANDS THE FUTURE: WHEN WE... Tovább


N 0 W H E R E IS S A F l . . . California sea lions wash up on shore starving because the rough seas have chased the fish away ... A forest fire the size of New England sears Australia . . . Deadly ice storms in Maine and Canada put thousands in the deep freeze . . . Tornadoes rip across the American South with a terrifying violence and a mounting death toll. The cause is El Nino, a mysterious weather phenomenon that has ravaged the world. Now the first comprehensive report on this powerful climatic force shows the full magnitude of El Nino's power and trail of destruction. Plus, it puts in one volume what scientists have learned and what you need to know about- THE DEADLY FORCES AT THE HEART OF EL NINO-DID WE CAÜSE THEM? THE HELPLESS TARGETS OF EL NINO'S FORY-AN EXTENSIVE LOOK AT THE FULL EXTENT OF THE DISASTER THE HISTORY SHAPED BY EL NINO'S PREVIOUS VISÍTS EL NINO RESEARCH . . . FROM HIGH ALTITUDE PLANES FLYING INTO STORMS TO OUTPOSTS ON THE GALÁPAGOS ISLANDS THE FUTURE: WHEN WE CAN EXPECT TO BE HIT AGAIN . . . AND THE DEVASTATION AHEAD UNLESS WE ARE PREPARED! D o n ' t m i s s Vissza

Henry F. Porter

Henry F. Porter műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Henry F. Porter könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Forecast: Disaster Forecast: Disaster
2.940 Ft
1.470 ,-Ft 50
7 pont kapható