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Get Ready! - Pupil's Book 1

Tankönyv 1


Kiadó: Oxford University Press
Kiadás helye: Oxford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Tűzött kötés
Oldalszám: 60 oldal
Sorozatcím: Get Ready!
Kötetszám: 1
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 19 cm
ISBN: 0-19-433912-2
Megjegyzés: Színes illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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GetReady! aims to give pupils a feel for English and to establish a sound basis for later learning. Pupil's Book 1 can be used alone or in conjunction with the Activity Book, Handwriting Book and... Tovább


GetReady! aims to give pupils a feel for English and to establish a sound basis for later learning. Pupil's Book 1 can be used alone or in conjunction with the Activity Book, Handwriting Book and Numbers Book. A cassette has recordings of all the dialogues and songs in the Pupil's Book. Where an item has been recorded a cassette symbol (ES) appears in the Pupil's Book. Oral work Most of the work based on Pupil's Book 1 is oral. Only the words or letters printed in a colour are for the pupil to read. The words in black are there to guide the teacher. The pictures are to help the pupil, and the teacher should encourage the pupils to point to the pictures when reciting rhymes or singing songs. The expressions shown in the Language Summary do not all appear in the text of the Pupil's Book, but they should be used orally by the teacher. The Picture Practice pages are designed to practise vocabulary and these expressions. The Teacher's Book provides detailed notes on when to introduce them. Reading There is no 'reál' reading in Get fíeady! 1 but pupils will learn to recognize the letters of the alphabet and know the sound each one makes. They will alsó learn somé whole words and acquire left-right orientation. These first reading skills are developed in both the Pupil's Book and the Activity Book. The alphabet It is suggested that the sounds of the letters should be taught first of all, using the formula 'a' for apple, 'b' for boy, etc. The names of the letters can be taught later, through exercises in the Activity Book. The approach The teacher should use choral and individual repetition and question and answer routines. Whenever possible, pupils should take on the role of the teacher and ask the questions. Games, such as the one in Step 14, are particularly suitableforthis. The songs are a very important element of Get Ready! and teachers should regularly use songs from earlier in the course. While singing, pupils should point to the pictures or perform the suggested actions. These reinforce meaning as well as make learning more enjoyable. Do not expect pupils to understand every word in the songs. Accuracy Do not be too concerned about accuracy. GetReady!progresses slowly and pupils will gradually become aware of small differences and more able to imitate the teacher's model. Never try to explain language rules to very young learners. Mother tongue Most of the lesson should be in English but do use the pupils' own language when it would be helpful. You might use it, for example, when explaining a game or the meaning of a song. Vissza

Felicity Hopkins

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