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Kiadó: Ruhani Satsang
Kiadás helye: Delhi
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 185 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
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Despite the long story of unfulfilled promise and wasted opportunity that is human history, nere and there we find glimpses of lives that differ from the majoT !ty a«^ an oak tree differs from an acorn. The ideal and possibiU- of the Godmaii- --he who has become one with God and is "i>erfect even as his Father in heaven is perfect"—is found in all religious and esoteric traditions; and most religions derive from the life and teachings of one or more of these giants, v/hose life work consists of demonstrating to us, by every a/ailable means, that we also have the capacity and, in fact, the birthright, to become Godmen.
As the author points out in his preface, it was his privilege to spend tv/enty-four years at the feet of a genuine Godman— Baba Sawan Singh Ji of Beap, India—and this book, an exhaustive study of the origin, na ture and mission of Masters of the Highest Order, based squarely on their own sayings and writings, was originally written ir the days of his... Tovább


Despite the long story of unfulfilled promise and wasted opportunity that is human history, nere and there we find glimpses of lives that differ from the majoT !ty a«^ an oak tree differs from an acorn. The ideal and possibiU- of the Godmaii- --he who has become one with God and is "i>erfect even as his Father in heaven is perfect"—is found in all religious and esoteric traditions; and most religions derive from the life and teachings of one or more of these giants, v/hose life work consists of demonstrating to us, by every a/ailable means, that we also have the capacity and, in fact, the birthright, to become Godmen.
As the author points out in his preface, it was his privilege to spend tv/enty-four years at the feet of a genuine Godman— Baba Sawan Singh Ji of Beap, India—and this book, an exhaustive study of the origin, na ture and mission of Masters of the Highest Order, based squarely on their own sayings and writings, was originally written ir the days of his discipleship as a supreme act of devotion to his Guru. But time has added another dimension to the book's authority: since Baba Sawan Singh's death in 1948, the author, in obedience to his Guru's instructions, functioned as a great Master himself; so that this book is the first of its kind—a complete and full study of supreme mystics by one Vv^ho was himself a supreme mystic.
The publishers have included a number of photographs of the author and of his Guru. Vissza



Kirpal Singh

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