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European Sculpture from Romanesque to Rodin

277 Plates, 39 in Colour


Kiadó: Thames and Hudson
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött papírkötés
Oldalszám: 288 oldal
Sorozatcím: The World of Art Library-History of Art
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal. További fotósok a kötetben.
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Aboilt thlS To THE MAJ°RITY us the mention of sculpture first D . conjures up either visions of Classical remains or the DOOK wilder flights of modern non-representational art; this book is the first serious attempt in English to fill the gap. In fact the history of sculpture is a remarkably neglected field, and after Michelangelo and Bernini even Donatello can hardly be claimed as a popular íigure. , H. D, Molesworth in collaboration with Peter Cannon Brookes has taken an overall view of the subject, charting out the major trends and explaining their relationships to contemporary political and social changes, rather than discussing individual contributions. But first and foremost it is the sculpture that is made to speak; the text illustrates the sculpture and not vice versa. The field covered ranges from the earliest Romanesque carvings through the Go-f thic, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini, to the con-
t trasting extremes of Rococo and New-Classicism. Ir: this
survey are... Tovább


Aboilt thlS To THE MAJ°RITY us the mention of sculpture first D . conjures up either visions of Classical remains or the DOOK wilder flights of modern non-representational art; this book is the first serious attempt in English to fill the gap. In fact the history of sculpture is a remarkably neglected field, and after Michelangelo and Bernini even Donatello can hardly be claimed as a popular íigure. , H. D, Molesworth in collaboration with Peter Cannon Brookes has taken an overall view of the subject, charting out the major trends and explaining their relationships to contemporary political and social changes, rather than discussing individual contributions. But first and foremost it is the sculpture that is made to speak; the text illustrates the sculpture and not vice versa. The field covered ranges from the earliest Romanesque carvings through the Go-f thic, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini, to the con-
t trasting extremes of Rococo and New-Classicism. Ir: this
survey are revealed the host of fine artists who are almost unknown to all but specialists, but who never-theless give to the history of sculpture its full richness and variety, This is an essenti.al book, equally valuable to the generál reader who requires an introduction to the subject, and to the speciálist for whom in this day and age of specialization it supplies a refreshingly new view.
H. D. Molesworth was Keeper of the Department of Sculpture at the Vic-
toria and Albert Museum, London, from 1948 to 1954, and is at present Keeper of the Department of Wood-wftrk at the Museum. He has concentrated on the visual presentation of the visual arts, as in Sculpture in England for the British Couiicil (1951), as co-editor with Sir Herbert Read of the vblumes on sculpture of the Acanthus series, and in the Vijctoria and Albert Museum publication Baroque, Rococo and Neo-classical Sculpture. Peter Cannon Brookes, who has contributed the section on Italian sculpture for this book, is Keeper of the Department of Art, Birmingham City Museum and - Gallery.
THAMES and HUDSON 30 Bloomsbury Street London WCI Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
European Sculpture from Romanesque to Rodin European Sculpture from Romanesque to Rodin European Sculpture from Romanesque to Rodin European Sculpture from Romanesque to Rodin European Sculpture from Romanesque to Rodin European Sculpture from Romanesque to Rodin

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3.440 Ft
1.720 ,-Ft 50
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