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NET: the new approach to drug cure


Kiadó: Faber and Faber Inc.
Kiadás helye: London-Boston
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 280 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-571-13514-5
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal.
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NET: the new approach to drug cure Meg Patterson
Hooked? tells the story of N ET - a revolutionary cure for drug addictions. In this remarkable book Dr Meg Patterson writes of the background to her discovery, her painstaking research and the extraordinary results, which at last offer real hope for addicts.
The treatment is fascinating and effective. Using a tiny electrical current tuned to various frequencies, NET (NeuroElectric Therapy) stimulates the production of several body chemicals-including endorphins,the body's natural opiates-enabling addicts to any drug to detoxify with only minimal withdrawal symptoms. Writing from her wide experience with addicts in Asia and the West, Dr Patterson also stresses the crucial importance of solving the basic psycho-spiritual problems leading to addiction.
Rock stars Eric Clapton, Keith Richards and Pete Townshend, as well as hundreds of other ex-addicts from all strata of society and countries, testify to the success of NET.... Tovább


NET: the new approach to drug cure Meg Patterson
Hooked? tells the story of N ET - a revolutionary cure for drug addictions. In this remarkable book Dr Meg Patterson writes of the background to her discovery, her painstaking research and the extraordinary results, which at last offer real hope for addicts.
The treatment is fascinating and effective. Using a tiny electrical current tuned to various frequencies, NET (NeuroElectric Therapy) stimulates the production of several body chemicals-including endorphins,the body's natural opiates-enabling addicts to any drug to detoxify with only minimal withdrawal symptoms. Writing from her wide experience with addicts in Asia and the West, Dr Patterson also stresses the crucial importance of solving the basic psycho-spiritual problems leading to addiction.
Rock stars Eric Clapton, Keith Richards and Pete Townshend, as well as hundreds of other ex-addicts from all strata of society and countries, testify to the success of NET. With a worldwide drug problem of frightening proportions, Hooked? reveals a solution-if the battle against government apathy and medical establishment distrust can be won.
'It's so simple, It's a little metal box with leads that clip on to your ears and in two or three days-which is the worst period for kicking junk- in these 72 hours it leaves your system: Keith Richards
'Dr Margaret Patterson has developed an extraordinarily successful clinical treatment for the addictive disorders. At this time, I know of no other treatment procedure with as low a rate of recidivism: Robert Becker MP, consultant in biomedical sciences, former director of research in bioelectricity. Veterans Administration Hospital, Syracuse, NY Vissza



Meg Patterson

Meg Patterson műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Meg Patterson könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Hooked? Hooked? Hooked? Hooked? Hooked? Hooked? Hooked?

A borító kopott, töredezett. A lapélek foltosak. Néhány lap foltos, bejegyzések, aláhúzások láthatók rajta.

24.000 ,-Ft
120 pont kapható