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Human Sexuality

Physiological, Psychological, and Sociological Factors


Kiadó: D. Van Nostrand Company Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 542 oldal
Kötetszám: 7125
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 0-442-25257-9
Megjegyzés: Második kiadás. Fekete-fehér ábrákkal.
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Humán Sexuality
Second Edition
James Leslie McCary
University of Houston
Introduction by Mary S. Calderone
Written with the same depth of under-standing and concern tor its readers' sen-sibilities that distinguished the widely praised First Edition, Humán Sexuality, in this updated Second Edition, refiects today's dramatic changes in sexual atti-tudes and behavior. Exploring the physio-logical, sociological, and psychological components of humán sexuality, this time-ly and candid book presents the latest in-formation relating to all phases of the subject in a complete, open, direct, and scientific manner.
The book is an outgrowth of the author's experiences in teaching the course in humán sexuality at the University of Houston, a pioneer institution in the field of sex education. It enables the reader to better understand and accept his or her own sexual needs and behavior, as well as those of others of differing views... Tovább


Humán Sexuality
Second Edition
James Leslie McCary
University of Houston
Introduction by Mary S. Calderone
Written with the same depth of under-standing and concern tor its readers' sen-sibilities that distinguished the widely praised First Edition, Humán Sexuality, in this updated Second Edition, refiects today's dramatic changes in sexual atti-tudes and behavior. Exploring the physio-logical, sociological, and psychological components of humán sexuality, this time-ly and candid book presents the latest in-formation relating to all phases of the subject in a complete, open, direct, and scientific manner.
The book is an outgrowth of the author's experiences in teaching the course in humán sexuality at the University of Houston, a pioneer institution in the field of sex education. It enables the reader to better understand and accept his or her own sexual needs and behavior, as well as those of others of differing views and conduct.
The introductory chapters dramatize the vitai need for better sex education. The book then examines humán sexual physi-ology in chapters on the development of the male and female genitalia; the role of the endocrine system; the male and female sexual systems; menstruation and the climacteric; fertilization, pre-natal development, and birth. Next are frank and detailed presentations of techniques in sexual arousal, aphrodisiacs and ana-phrodisiacs, positions in sexual inter-course, orgasm, birth control, and sex in later years.
Throughout the book, and especially in the chapters on attitudes and behavior, sexual inadequacies, and sexual variance, the influence of psychology on sexual behavior is stressed. Medical aspects are covered in the section dealing with sexual diseases and disorders. The concluding chapters, on illegitimacy, and sex and the
(Continued on back flap)
(Continued trom front flap)
law, sketch humán sexuality in its legal context in present-day American society.
Here is a book of inestimable value to those genuineiy concerned with humán sexuality as a deep and meaningful rela-tionship rather than the mere fulfillment of a biological function. An excellent sex manual for all young people preparing for marriage, this versatile volume is alsó ex-tremely useful as a basic guide for Professional counselors who are often asked questions about sex and who need both a quick reference and a book to recom-mend.
"Any individualwho reads ít carefully, and with the respect due the book as a more-than-adequate treatment of an important subject, will find his or her own attitudes about sexuality personally enhanced. . . . This book, recognizing sexuality as a basic part of life to be understood by all, is in the best tradition of family health books."
— Mary S. Calderone, M.D.,
Executive Director, Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S.
"Humari Sexuality is far and away the best marriage manual on the markét today."
— James Albert Brown, M.D.
"The text is medically sound and reflects the latest avaiiable data. . The biology is presented concisely . . . and the psy-choiogy of the 'why' and 'how' of success-ful sexual interaction is presented sanely and frankly."
— Ralph D. Elchhorn, M.D.,
Clinical Associate Professor in Medicine, Baylor University School of Medicine
Dr. James Leslie McCary is Professor of Psychology at the University of Houston and Director of Psychological Services, Almeda Clinic, Houston. He received the American Psychological Foundation's 1972 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education in Psychology. Dr. McCary is the author of many professional articles and books, including Humán Sexuality, First Edition, and Sexual Myths and Fallacies, as well as co-author of The Abbreviated Bible, all published by Van Nostrand Reinhold. Vissza



James Leslie McCary

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Human Sexuality Human Sexuality Human Sexuality Human Sexuality Human Sexuality Human Sexuality Human Sexuality

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