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Illustrated Guide to Britain

Illusztrált útikönyv Britanniába - A Journey of Discovery through England, Wales and Scotland/Egy felfedezőút Anglián, Wales-en és Skócián át


Kiadó: Drive Publications Limited for the Automobile Association
Kiadás helye: Basingstoke
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Félvászon
Oldalszám: 543 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 27 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 0-903356-23-6
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal és ábrákkal. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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EXPLORE THE SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF BRITAIN ... Scottish castles ... Welsh mountains ... sleepy English villages ... bustling towns. Explore Britain with the help of this book, and discover a land packed with unforgettable sights, sounds and experiences! Facts for every joumey It's the complete tour guide for today's traveller, giving all the facts and advice you need to make the most of Britain - whether you're enjoying the towns, villages and countryside on your doorstep, or planning excursions further afield. Your versatile guide Maps, diagrams, detailed place-by-place narrative, special features, illustrations - a five-way presentation of information in a uniquely flexible book. Use the superb colour maps to select a picturesque holiday joumey ... plan a day or half-day excursion helped by the local descriptions and régiónál notes ... and tum every trip into a memorable outing by knowing exactly what to do and see! Unique maps for the driver The maps themselves draw upon the AA's... Tovább


EXPLORE THE SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF BRITAIN ... Scottish castles ... Welsh mountains ... sleepy English villages ... bustling towns. Explore Britain with the help of this book, and discover a land packed with unforgettable sights, sounds and experiences! Facts for every joumey It's the complete tour guide for today's traveller, giving all the facts and advice you need to make the most of Britain - whether you're enjoying the towns, villages and countryside on your doorstep, or planning excursions further afield. Your versatile guide Maps, diagrams, detailed place-by-place narrative, special features, illustrations - a five-way presentation of information in a uniquely flexible book. Use the superb colour maps to select a picturesque holiday joumey ... plan a day or half-day excursion helped by the local descriptions and régiónál notes ... and tum every trip into a memorable outing by knowing exactly what to do and see! Unique maps for the driver The maps themselves draw upon the AA's unrivalled and thoroughly up-to-date knowledge of Britain's roads, and make route-finding easier than ever. There is even a special relief map for each region to let you picture what the road actually looks and 'feels' like before you go! st
LEARN MORE ABOUT THE LAND ON YOUR DOORSTEP... Planning to visit the West Country? Then use this book to find out which is the prettiest route. 'Ttavel' in your armchair You don't need to be a driver or car owner to enjoy this book. It's packed with so much useful and absorbing information that you'll soon begin to feel like a seasoned traveller along the highways of Britain - even as you browse through its pages at home! The complete family guide As a beautiful reference volume or source of entertainment for the children (and they'll love the special features on subjects as exciting and different as the Vikings, the Loch Ness Monster and Robin Hood), you'll find this book is every bit as welcome on your family bookshelves as in the coach, traín or car! Enjoy your leisure Are you a naturalist?... a histórián?... a rambler?... a keen pot-holer?... a fisherman? ... a canoeist? Then let this book guide you to the best stretch of water, to bracing walks, to fine country houses, to the most promising centres for adventure and sport. Or use the leisure notes and address listings to discover a new outdoor hobby for your part of Britain! Vissza


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