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Imagining Women

Cultural Representations And Gender


Kiadó: Polity Press-The Open University
Kiadás helye: Cambridge
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 360 oldal
Sorozatcím: Open University
Kötetszám: U207-4
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-7456-0974-0
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a könyvben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Imagining Women presents a highly accessible introduction to the ways in which women have been represented in art, writing and popular culture, and the ways in which women have represented themselves.
Exploring the use of language and images, the nature of ideology and the relationship between gender and genre, the authors discuss representation in a variety of difference cultural forms, including literature, the visual arts, film, television, pornography, comedy and the theatre.
Through the analysis of specific examples, the authors highlight themes which are central to contemporary cultural theory, including the role of the self as creator and active spectator, and the role of feminist criticism in altering traditional frameworks for the production and evaluation of cultural and artistic works.
The text is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of many photographs, both colour and black and white, as well as other illustrations.
Contributors include Catherine King, Richard Allen,... Tovább


Imagining Women presents a highly accessible introduction to the ways in which women have been represented in art, writing and popular culture, and the ways in which women have represented themselves.
Exploring the use of language and images, the nature of ideology and the relationship between gender and genre, the authors discuss representation in a variety of difference cultural forms, including literature, the visual arts, film, television, pornography, comedy and the theatre.
Through the analysis of specific examples, the authors highlight themes which are central to contemporary cultural theory, including the role of the self as creator and active spectator, and the role of feminist criticism in altering traditional frameworks for the production and evaluation of cultural and artistic works.
The text is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of many photographs, both colour and black and white, as well as other illustrations.
Contributors include Catherine King, Richard Allen, Dinah Birch, Joan Swann, Elaine Showalter, Lizbeth Goodman, Frances Bonner, Alicia Ostriker, Carol Rumens, Nicole Ward Jouve, Wendy Webster, Michelle Cliff, Felicity Edholm, Christine Gledhill, Felly Nkweto Simmonds, Christine Geraghty, Suzanne Kappeler, Avis Lewallen, Patricia Hill Collins, Gillian Rodgerson, Linda Semple and Alice Walker.
Frances Bonner is Lecturer in Cultural Studies at Queensland University, Australia. Richard Allen is Staff Tutor and Sub-dean in Arts, Lizbeth Goodman is Lecturer in Literature, Linda Janes is Lecturer in Women's Studies and Catherine King is Senior Lecturer in Art History, all at The Open University.
The other books in this series are: Knowing Women: Feminism and Knowledge edited by Helen Crowley and Susan Himmelweit Defining Women: Social Institutions and Gender Division edited by Linda McDowell and Rosemary Pringle Inventing Women: Science, Technology and Gender edited by Gill Kirkup and Laurie Smith Keller Vissza


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Imagining Women Imagining Women Imagining Women Imagining Women Imagining Women Imagining Women

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