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Island in the Sun


Kiadó: The New American Library
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 560 oldal
Sorozatcím: Signet Books
Kötetszám: Y3180
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
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gfjfíl LSLAN1) L\ THE SIX j Alec Waugh's internationally famous növel is set in a flamboyant Crown Colony of the British West Indies. Here feudal landowners, colonial administrators, colored professionals and illiterate natives share a strange love-hate intimacy. Here forbidden passions and buried scandal flame into violence under the hot sun of the Caribbean. "BIG...INTERESTING...COLORFUL...aneatly plotted, thoroughly readable story in the Maugham tradition." - Elizabeth Janeway, THE NEW YORK TIMES "Thickly peopled with credible characters whose interrelationships the author makes not only plausible but seemingly inevitable, the story is as timely as today's paper and as perennial as the humán temper. It is a highly ingenious and engrossing book." -Virgilia Peterson, BOOK WEEK "A pleasurable and most discerning növel of the West Indies, and one which will hold its own in any company." -Edward Weeks.THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY ALEC WAUGH was born in Hampstead, England, the son of editor... Tovább


gfjfíl LSLAN1) L\ THE SIX j Alec Waugh's internationally famous növel is set in a flamboyant Crown Colony of the British West Indies. Here feudal landowners, colonial administrators, colored professionals and illiterate natives share a strange love-hate intimacy. Here forbidden passions and buried scandal flame into violence under the hot sun of the Caribbean. "BIG...INTERESTING...COLORFUL...aneatly plotted, thoroughly readable story in the Maugham tradition." - Elizabeth Janeway, THE NEW YORK TIMES "Thickly peopled with credible characters whose interrelationships the author makes not only plausible but seemingly inevitable, the story is as timely as today's paper and as perennial as the humán temper. It is a highly ingenious and engrossing book." -Virgilia Peterson, BOOK WEEK "A pleasurable and most discerning növel of the West Indies, and one which will hold its own in any company." -Edward Weeks.THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY ALEC WAUGH was born in Hampstead, England, the son of editor and publisher Arthur Waugh and the elder brother of Evelyn Waugh. Educated at Sherbourne School and Sandhurst, he served as an officer in the British Army in both World Wars. His first book was a növel of school life which caused a sensation in England. Mr. Waugh is a world-wide traveler and the prolific author of more than forty books of fiction, poetry, travel and autobiography. THE NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY publishers of SIGNET, MENTOR, SIGNET CLASSICS & NAL BOOKS Vissza

Alec Waugh

Alec Waugh műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Alec Waugh könyvek, művek
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Island in the Sun Island in the Sun Island in the Sun Island in the Sun

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