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John F. Kennedy, President

Róla szól

Kiadó: Atheneum
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 365 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 14 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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John E Kennedy, President
hy Hugh Sidey
"An absolutely fascinating closeup." Theodore H. White,
author of the making of the president—i960
"The author is clearly among the ao-odd elite members of the Washington press corps privileged to have seen the President often and at close range and sometimes alone. Accordingly his descriptive details of personality and events have a significance for today, and a value for historians in the future."
John K. Hutchens, New York herald tribune
"Sidey records events and conversations more fully than you will find elsewhere (at least until the official memoirs begin to appear). . . . The revealing anecdotes and the snappy punch lines are all here." John Barkham saturday review Syndicate
"Lively and informative. It reflects the viewpoint of a young, competent, sharp-eyed reporter who has had a front-row seat throughout a fascinating drama. . . . We observe the youthful, determined Mr. Kennedy as he puts together his government,... Tovább


John E Kennedy, President
hy Hugh Sidey
"An absolutely fascinating closeup." Theodore H. White,
author of the making of the president—i960
"The author is clearly among the ao-odd elite members of the Washington press corps privileged to have seen the President often and at close range and sometimes alone. Accordingly his descriptive details of personality and events have a significance for today, and a value for historians in the future."
John K. Hutchens, New York herald tribune
"Sidey records events and conversations more fully than you will find elsewhere (at least until the official memoirs begin to appear). . . . The revealing anecdotes and the snappy punch lines are all here." John Barkham saturday review Syndicate
"Lively and informative. It reflects the viewpoint of a young, competent, sharp-eyed reporter who has had a front-row seat throughout a fascinating drama. . . . We observe the youthful, determined Mr. Kennedy as he puts together his government, grapples with the Bay of Pigs fiasco, takes the measure of Khrushchev at Vienna, jousts with Roger Blough and big steel, sends troops to Mississippi and, on the eve of the 1962 elections, calls Russia's hand on Cuba."
st. louis post dispatch
I Y1

n^etv editioti
John E Kennedy, President
Published just three months before President Kennedy's assassination, Mr. Sidey's narrative was to be the beginning of the story. Now, tragically, it covers in time the entire span of John F. Kennedy, President.
Hugh Sidey reported the activities of the thirty-fourth President of the United States for Time from the moment of their first meeting in a Senate elevator in 1958 until November 22, 1963. With a reporter's keen eye for detail, and a personal affection he has made no attempt to conceal, Mr. Sidey relates the events and emotions of the three White House years. Here you will find the President wrestling in the early hours of the morning with what was to become the Bay of Pigs fiasco; the hopeful trip to Vienna and the shocking confrontation with Khrushchev; the conferences with de Gaulle; the crisis in Mississippi; the decision to face Armageddon over Cuba; the vindication in the November 1962 elections; and in 1963, the detente with Russia and the beginning of a Communist rollback; and the call to the nation last summer for action on the moral crisis of segregation, and on the practical crisis of taxes. Mr. Sidey's narrative closes with an account of that terrible November week end, first in I Dallas and then in Washington.
¦ ^ His book adds rare insights and new di-
mensions to the understanding of John E Kennedy and his government. Illustrated with a portfolio of photo-^ J g^^phs by James Mahan.
Jacket design: Harry Ford Photograph: Hugh Sidey

Hugh Sidey

Hugh Sidey műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Hugh Sidey könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
John F. Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy, President

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3.480 ,-Ft
17 pont kapható