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The Belarus Secret

The first full account of an extraordinary clandestine operation carried out in direct defiance of presidential orders: How certain government agencies, in the aftermath of World War II, smuggled into the United States hundreds of Nazi collaborators from Eastern Europe - and have continued to protect them from investigation and deportation


Kiadó: Alfred A. Knopf
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Félvászon
Oldalszám: 196 oldal
Sorozatcím: Borzoi Book
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-394-52292-3
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This is the first book to reveal how after World War II the United States government illegally permitted the entry into America of Nazis from Eastern Europe, especially from Byelorussia, a region of the Soviet Union occupied by the Germans. Unknown to Congress and the public, and even to American intelligence agencies until recently, a secret section of the State Department began in 1948 to hire members of the puppet wartime government of Byelorussia. Some of them had brutally massacred Jews and later served with the German army defending the Reich against American troops. The State Department section recruited them for guerrilla warfare inside the Soviet bloc, but when those operations collapsed, the collaborationists were brought into the United States and allowed to settle here.
John Loftus, a former Justice Department investigator, uncovered this extraordinary story in the files of several government agencies. It made headlines across the nation in May 1982, when it was... Tovább


This is the first book to reveal how after World War II the United States government illegally permitted the entry into America of Nazis from Eastern Europe, especially from Byelorussia, a region of the Soviet Union occupied by the Germans. Unknown to Congress and the public, and even to American intelligence agencies until recently, a secret section of the State Department began in 1948 to hire members of the puppet wartime government of Byelorussia. Some of them had brutally massacred Jews and later served with the German army defending the Reich against American troops. The State Department section recruited them for guerrilla warfare inside the Soviet bloc, but when those operations collapsed, the collaborationists were brought into the United States and allowed to settle here.
John Loftus, a former Justice Department investigator, uncovered this extraordinary story in the files of several government agencies. It made headlines across the nation in May 1982, when it was featured on 60 Minutes. In this book, Loftus brings to light the bloodstained careers of, among others:
• Radislaw Ostrowsky, president of the Byelorussian puppet government, the highest-ranking Nazi ever to receive American citizenship.
• Franz Kushel, a police commander of Byelorussia, whose men carried over 40,000 Jews to an execution ground in 1941. Later he was minister of war in the Ostrowsky government, an SS general, and commander of the German army's Belarus Brigade.
• Stanislaw Stankievich, who directed the murder of 7,000 Jews in the city of Borissow.
• Emanuel Jasiuk, wartime mayor of Kletsk, who supervised the killing of more than 5,000 Jews in one day.
All of these men, Loftus reports, lived out their latter years as American citizens. The Justice Department is only now beginning denaturalization proceedings against some of their compatriots still residing here.
In addition. The Belarus Secret reveals how, as recently as 1978, government departments were lying to Congress about the existence of incriminating files; how intelligence agencies refused to share vital information about the Byelorussian Nazis; how the FBI recruited
(continued on back flap)
(continued from front flap)
them to keep informed of operations at the CIA and State Department; the names of the American government officials who approved the programs; how and why the cover-up continues even now. Loftus also discloses that similar smuggUng networks exist today which permit war criminals from other parts of the world to find sanctuary in America.
John Loftus is a former trial attorney for the Justice Department Office of Special Investigations. He is 32 years old, from an Irish Catholic family, and a graduate of Boston Latin School and Boston College. After serving as an army officer, Mr. Loftus completed his Master's degree in Public Administration and his Doctor of Laws degree simultaneously, edited the Suffolk Law Review, and worked on several political campaigns. He is now in private practice in Boston.
Jacket design by Robert Anthony, Inc.

Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, New York 11/82
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John Loftus

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The Belarus Secret The Belarus Secret The Belarus Secret

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