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Lessons of World War Two


Kiadó: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House
Kiadás helye: Moszkva
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 95 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 16 cm x 11 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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The fighting on the Soviet-German front, where Hitler's Wehrmacht lost 80 per cent of its strength, was decisive in the Second World War. In the period from June 22, 1941, when the Nazis invaded the USSR, to Victory Day on May 9r 1945, a totál of 607 Nazi divisions were destroyed or captured on the Eastern Front. This is three and a half times more than the Nazis lost on all the other war fronts- in North África, Italy and Western Europe. To achieve this military success the Soviet Ármed Forces mounted nine campaigns and conducted 210 operations by groups of armies; in seven of these campaigns and 160 of these operations they took the offensive. The road to Berlin was a long and hard one. There was fierce fighting for 1,418 days and nights along a front varying in length from 3,000 to 6,200 kilometres, as well as behind the lines in enemy-occupied territories. The Soviet people paid a high price for victory. Every minute of the war they lost nine lives, 587 lives every hour and... Tovább


The fighting on the Soviet-German front, where Hitler's Wehrmacht lost 80 per cent of its strength, was decisive in the Second World War. In the period from June 22, 1941, when the Nazis invaded the USSR, to Victory Day on May 9r 1945, a totál of 607 Nazi divisions were destroyed or captured on the Eastern Front. This is three and a half times more than the Nazis lost on all the other war fronts- in North África, Italy and Western Europe. To achieve this military success the Soviet Ármed Forces mounted nine campaigns and conducted 210 operations by groups of armies; in seven of these campaigns and 160 of these operations they took the offensive. The road to Berlin was a long and hard one. There was fierce fighting for 1,418 days and nights along a front varying in length from 3,000 to 6,200 kilometres, as well as behind the lines in enemy-occupied territories. The Soviet people paid a high price for victory. Every minute of the war they lost nine lives, 587 lives every hour and 14,000 lives every day, adding up to the staggering totál of 20 millión dead. Two out of every five persons killed during the Second World War were Soviet citizens. The USSR suffered tremendous materfal destruction to the value of 485,000 millión U.S. dollars. Despite such losses the Soviet Army not only won through to victory in that life-and-death struggle but alsó liberated 113 millión people in (ands West of the Soviet Union. These and many other facts of history that no one should forget are set out in this new series of pamphlets about the Second World War published by the Novosti Press Ágency. Vissza



Oleg Rzheshevsky

Oleg Rzheshevsky műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Oleg Rzheshevsky könyvek, művek
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Lessons of World War Two Lessons of World War Two Lessons of World War Two Lessons of World War Two Lessons of World War Two Lessons of World War Two

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