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Light Years

Confessions of a Cinematographer


Kiadó: Grove Press
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 258 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-8021-0014-7
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






B Light Years takes us behind Hollywood's glitter m and Into ttie reckless and vivid life of ttie cine-
matographer, from ttie beginnings of ttie pro- BM^H
fession to Its latest technology. Written on the r^H
set and on the road, with stars like DeNIro and ¦||yH
Streep, Andean magicians, and thugs on the ^HH
back streets of Brooklyn, Light Years is an au- ^^H thentic behind-the-scenes look at a world that
has never been described with Tom McDon- ^^^B
ough's eloquence and passion. H^H
What is unique about him is that he has a feel for language, for words hat come alive, while looking at things with a cameraman's eye for nood and composition. Man, does it work."
—Elmore Leonard
Light Years is 'about' cinematography the way The Old Man and the tea is 'about' fishing. McDonough's true subjects are art, style, travel, Dve, politics, and risk, and he writes about these things in prose that iwakens the senses, challenges the mind, and makes some of us just I little bit green... Tovább


B Light Years takes us behind Hollywood's glitter m and Into ttie reckless and vivid life of ttie cine-
matographer, from ttie beginnings of ttie pro- BM^H
fession to Its latest technology. Written on the r^H
set and on the road, with stars like DeNIro and ¦||yH
Streep, Andean magicians, and thugs on the ^HH
back streets of Brooklyn, Light Years is an au- ^^H thentic behind-the-scenes look at a world that
has never been described with Tom McDon- ^^^B
ough's eloquence and passion. H^H
What is unique about him is that he has a feel for language, for words hat come alive, while looking at things with a cameraman's eye for nood and composition. Man, does it work."
—Elmore Leonard
Light Years is 'about' cinematography the way The Old Man and the tea is 'about' fishing. McDonough's true subjects are art, style, travel, Dve, politics, and risk, and he writes about these things in prose that iwakens the senses, challenges the mind, and makes some of us just I little bit green with envy."
—Scott Spenser
'McDonough may be a new hyphenate the first poet-echniclan (He) Is a loving student of complex equipment, knowledgeable about lenses, filters, and film stock, but also about cinematography's true subject—the people, objects, and places the camera sees, which is why this fine, unexpected bopk has so much ichness in it." ;
-David Freeman, Co/zYorn/o/Wogoz/ne
AN EVERGREEN BOOK Published by Grove Press Vissza



Tom McDonough

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Light Years Light Years
6.980 ,-Ft
35 pont kapható