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Michelangelo: Painting

The life and work of the artist illustrated with 80 colour plates

Róla szól

Kiadó: Thames and Hudson
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött papírkötés
Oldalszám: 112 oldal
Sorozatcím: A Dolphin Art Book
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 17 cm x 12 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér reprodukciókkal.
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DOLPHIN ART BOOKS 80 COLOUR PLATES An attractively priced library of monographs dedicated to presenting the work. of thegreatestpainters, sculptors and.architects of all time. Each volume, based on the latest research, is written by a leading authority, and contains a biography, a critical appraisal of the ivork, andfully documented nows on each plate. MICHELANGELO: PAINTING The dazzling achievements of the High Renaissance reached their highest point in the work of Michelangelo. Assimilating the perfect form of classical art, he recreated it to reveal a new energy and imaginative force which was to revolutionize painting. He always claimed to be primarily a sculptor, and as a painter he was to concentrate on the expressive power of the humán body. His first painting, The Holy Family, demonstrates his complete mastery of sculptural form and movement. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican is one of the most impressive and complex works of art in our western tradition; in... Tovább


DOLPHIN ART BOOKS 80 COLOUR PLATES An attractively priced library of monographs dedicated to presenting the work. of thegreatestpainters, sculptors and.architects of all time. Each volume, based on the latest research, is written by a leading authority, and contains a biography, a critical appraisal of the ivork, andfully documented nows on each plate. MICHELANGELO: PAINTING The dazzling achievements of the High Renaissance reached their highest point in the work of Michelangelo. Assimilating the perfect form of classical art, he recreated it to reveal a new energy and imaginative force which was to revolutionize painting. He always claimed to be primarily a sculptor, and as a painter he was to concentrate on the expressive power of the humán body. His first painting, The Holy Family, demonstrates his complete mastery of sculptural form and movement. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican is one of the most impressive and complex works of art in our western tradition; in grandeur of conception and mastery of execution in every detail, it established a new idea of the power of genius. In his later work the confident humanism of the Sistine ceiling gave way to personal pessimism, powerfully expressed in The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the same chapel. The technical innovations and the intensity of vision of this work established a style which was to exercise a profound influence on the work of Tintoretto, El Greco and other great Mannerist painters. Vissza

Luciano Bellosi

Luciano Bellosi műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Luciano Bellosi könyvek, művek
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