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Maigret in Montmartre


Kiadó: Helen and Kurt Wolff Book-Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers
Kiadás helye: San Diego-New York-London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 202 oldal
Sorozatcím: Harvest/HBJ Books
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-15-655162-4
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Translated by Daphne Woodward
Ir is four o'clock in rhe morning, the bars ore closing, and our of rhe roin-slick cobbled srreers of Monrmortre's clubland appears a gorishly dressed young woman. Her lipsrick is smudged and her goir is unsteady, but there is no mistaking her extraordinary allure. At rhe police Station in rhe rue de la Rochefoucauld she insists on making a statement: she has information, she soys, of terrible urgency—but on hour later everything is denied. At once we ore in the familiar undenA'orld of inspector Moigret. Two brutal stranglings and a beautiful corpse lead the Inspector into a demimonde of striptease artists and morphine addicts as he tries to uncover the post of a shadowy countess. Assisted by a lovelorn detective, Moigret traces a desperate eroticism to its inevitable conclusion.
"Few authors of whatever genre hove ever succeeded so superbly in bringing olive that special, utterly individual quality that is Poris's."
—The Chrisrion Science Monitor... Tovább


Translated by Daphne Woodward
Ir is four o'clock in rhe morning, the bars ore closing, and our of rhe roin-slick cobbled srreers of Monrmortre's clubland appears a gorishly dressed young woman. Her lipsrick is smudged and her goir is unsteady, but there is no mistaking her extraordinary allure. At rhe police Station in rhe rue de la Rochefoucauld she insists on making a statement: she has information, she soys, of terrible urgency—but on hour later everything is denied. At once we ore in the familiar undenA'orld of inspector Moigret. Two brutal stranglings and a beautiful corpse lead the Inspector into a demimonde of striptease artists and morphine addicts as he tries to uncover the post of a shadowy countess. Assisted by a lovelorn detective, Moigret traces a desperate eroticism to its inevitable conclusion.
"Few authors of whatever genre hove ever succeeded so superbly in bringing olive that special, utterly individual quality that is Poris's."
—The Chrisrion Science Monitor
A Harvest/HDJ Book Harcourr Brace Jovanovich, Publishers
1250 Sixth Avenue, Son Diego, CA 92101 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003
II nil 11 nil 11 ¦!
9780156551625 Vissza

Georges Simenon

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