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The Historian's Craft

Reflections on the Nature and Uses of History and the Techniques and Methods of Those Who Write It


Kiadó: Vintage Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 197 oldal
Sorozatcím: Vintage Book
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-394-70512-2
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Marc Bloch was born at Lyon on July 6, 1886. Educated at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, from which he was graduated in 1908, he specialized in history and geography, Later, he taught these subjects at the lycées of Montpellier and Agen. In 1919 he was appointed Professor of Medieval History at the University of Strasbourg, holding this post until 1937, when he became Professor of Economic History at the University of Paris. Marc Bloch's early career as a scholar and teacher was interrupted by service in the French Army in World War L At the age of fifty-three, and the father of six children, he was again called in 1939, serving as a captain until his demobihzation in July 1940, shortly after the fall of France, His book Strange Defeat is a remarkably penetrating eyewitness account of the state of moral and physical prostration in which his country found itself at that time.
In 1942, he became active in the French Resistance; two years later he was captured by the Germans,... Tovább


Marc Bloch was born at Lyon on July 6, 1886. Educated at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, from which he was graduated in 1908, he specialized in history and geography, Later, he taught these subjects at the lycées of Montpellier and Agen. In 1919 he was appointed Professor of Medieval History at the University of Strasbourg, holding this post until 1937, when he became Professor of Economic History at the University of Paris. Marc Bloch's early career as a scholar and teacher was interrupted by service in the French Army in World War L At the age of fifty-three, and the father of six children, he was again called in 1939, serving as a captain until his demobihzation in July 1940, shortly after the fall of France, His book Strange Defeat is a remarkably penetrating eyewitness account of the state of moral and physical prostration in which his country found itself at that time.
In 1942, he became active in the French Resistance; two years later he was captured by the Germans, tortured, and executed. The effect that the news of his death had on scholars everywhere is best told in the words of D, W. Brogan: "I remember vividly the day on which the news of Marc Bloch's death reached us in Cambridge, and how eagerly we pounced on the rumour—false, alas!—that he had escaped. When we learned beyond doubt that he was dead, we felt that a blow had been dealt to the whole world of learning,"
The author of many distinguished works of scholarship. Marc Bloch is perhaps best known for Les Rois thaumaturges, Les Caracteres originaux de l'histoire rurale française, and La Société féodale, each one a triumph of modem historical science. Vissza

Marc Bloch

Marc Bloch műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Marc Bloch könyvek, művek
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