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Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King - America's great non-violent leader; who was murdered in the struggle for black rights/Amerika nagyszerű erőszakot ellenző vezetője; akit meggyilkoltak a feketék jogaiért folytatott küzdelemben

Róla szól

Kiadó: Exley Publications Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Watford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 63 oldal
Sorozatcím: People who have helped the world
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 1-85015-086-9
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal illusztrált.
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When Martin Luther King was slain by a sniper's bullet on April 4,1968, many, many people around the world wept. For the man who died was a great and good man.
King was the central figure in the campaign for civil rights for black people in the USA in the 1950s and 1960s. He always feared that one day he would die a violent death at the hands of the whites who opposed him. In the southern states of the USA the blacks, freed from slavery during the Civil War, still couldn't attend the same schools as whites, couldn't eat in the same restaurants, and couldn't even use the same toilets.
The whites were determined to keep things that way but Martin Luther King was equally determined to change things and he knew that hate was not the answer. Influenced by the writings of Gandhi, King led his supporters in dramatic nonviolent campaigns. His supporters would be attacked and hosed down in the streets for their beliefs. They would be jailed in their thousands. Some of them would die.... Tovább


When Martin Luther King was slain by a sniper's bullet on April 4,1968, many, many people around the world wept. For the man who died was a great and good man.
King was the central figure in the campaign for civil rights for black people in the USA in the 1950s and 1960s. He always feared that one day he would die a violent death at the hands of the whites who opposed him. In the southern states of the USA the blacks, freed from slavery during the Civil War, still couldn't attend the same schools as whites, couldn't eat in the same restaurants, and couldn't even use the same toilets.
The whites were determined to keep things that way but Martin Luther King was equally determined to change things and he knew that hate was not the answer. Influenced by the writings of Gandhi, King led his supporters in dramatic nonviolent campaigns. His supporters would be attacked and hosed down in the streets for their beliefs. They would be jailed in their thousands. Some of them would die. But, King preached, they would not, they must not, give way to hate.
King died for his cause. But, today, black Americans walk with pride. And, because race relations remain a divisive issue in Britain, America, South Africa and many countries throughout the world, Martin Luther King's message of justice, peace and freedom for all people is more important than ever.
Other books in this series
The books in the people who have helped the world series set out, in a lively way, to tell the stories of the great humanitarians, peacemakers and conservationists of our time and the problems they faced. Titles in print or in preparation include:
Robert Baden-Powell Peter Benenson Louis Braille Charlie Chaplin Marie Curie The Dalai Lama Father Damien Henry Dunant Mahatma Gandhi Bob Geldof Mikhail Gorbachev Abraham Lincoln
Nelson Mandela Maria Montessori Florence Nightingale Louis Pasteur Eleanor Roosevelt Albert Schweitzer Sir Peter Scott Mother Teresa Desmond Thtu Lech Walesa Raoul Wallenberg Vissza
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