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Modern Fighting Aircraft

The illustrated technical directory of the world's combat aircraft today/Detailed descriptions and dramatic illustrations of over 200 warplanes


Kiadó: Salamander Books Limited
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 208 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 31 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 0-86101-158-9
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal, fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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Within the pages of this book are to be found hundreds of thousands of facts and many hundreds of superb illustrations, all concerned with probably the most exciting machines yet devised, today's military aircraft. The aircraft covered are not limited to the spectacular fighter:: (which, of course, are included in abundance). Also featured here are giant swing-wing bombers costing millions or billions of dollars or roubles; piston-engined trainers (some of which can be quickly armed for actual combat); incredibly complex electronic jamming and intelligence gathering aircraft, and airborne battle stations; helicopters specially designed to fly into hostile territory and rescue downed aircrew, and some quite capable of air-to-air combat; huge and heavy transports which offer their users the ability to extend their military might thousands of miles from the homeland, as well as small, efficient utility transports for base-hopping missions; there are the aircraft that fight or snoop... Tovább


Within the pages of this book are to be found hundreds of thousands of facts and many hundreds of superb illustrations, all concerned with probably the most exciting machines yet devised, today's military aircraft. The aircraft covered are not limited to the spectacular fighter:: (which, of course, are included in abundance). Also featured here are giant swing-wing bombers costing millions or billions of dollars or roubles; piston-engined trainers (some of which can be quickly armed for actual combat); incredibly complex electronic jamming and intelligence gathering aircraft, and airborne battle stations; helicopters specially designed to fly into hostile territory and rescue downed aircrew, and some quite capable of air-to-air combat; huge and heavy transports which offer their users the ability to extend their military might thousands of miles from the homeland, as well as small, efficient utility transports for base-hopping missions; there are the aircraft that fight or snoop at sea; there are those that go into harm's way to support friendly ground troops; there are also some about which the details are only informed speculation, since they have not yet been seen in the West, or are so sensitive that information is classified.
In all they number well over 200 different types, and in addition many have several sub-types or variants. Each type is illustrated with a three-view drawing to show its general arrangement, except in such cases as the Lockheed "F-19 stealth fighter" for which the only illustration purporting to show one is a Soviet artist's impression. Many of the aircraft are the subject of highly detailed colour profile drawings, and there are literally hundreds of dramatic and interesting colour photographs to delight enthusiasts the world over.
The text itself is a magnificent compilation of facts spiced with informed and interesting comment by one of the acknowledged leaders in world aviation journalism. The whole book, while stunning to look at, will also be a well-used reference work for , years to come.
/ Vissza



Bill Gunston

Bill Gunston műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Bill Gunston könyvek, művek
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