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Motoring Afloat

An Introduction to Motor Yachting


Kiadó: G. T. Foulis & Co. Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Strand
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény kötés
Oldalszám: 128 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Charles Mortimer's Introduction to Motor Yachting has been written with the primary object of encouraging other people, without previous experience of sea or river cruising, to take to the water and to make it easier for them.
The beginner, whether he plans to own or hire his first craft, will find a complete lack of expert text-books on this subject, as did Charles Mortimer, hence this book.
The complete tyro will feel very much less of a " land-lubber " after absorbing this very enjoyable little book and it will certainly help him to avoid some of the inevitable hazards.
Fo,ffOooks for
THE TWAIN HAVE MET. An Eastern Prince came West H.R.H, Prince Chula of Thailand 25/-" This is much more than the autobiography of Prince Chula, it is a history of Thailand, full of fascinating details of royal, religious and national customs . . . traces the origins of the Thai race. There are many amusing anecdotes of H.R.H.'s life at court, at school and university. The... Tovább


Charles Mortimer's Introduction to Motor Yachting has been written with the primary object of encouraging other people, without previous experience of sea or river cruising, to take to the water and to make it easier for them.
The beginner, whether he plans to own or hire his first craft, will find a complete lack of expert text-books on this subject, as did Charles Mortimer, hence this book.
The complete tyro will feel very much less of a " land-lubber " after absorbing this very enjoyable little book and it will certainly help him to avoid some of the inevitable hazards.
Fo,ffOooks for
THE TWAIN HAVE MET. An Eastern Prince came West H.R.H, Prince Chula of Thailand 25/-" This is much more than the autobiography of Prince Chula, it is a history of Thailand, full of fascinating details of royal, religious and national customs . . . traces the origins of the Thai race. There are many amusing anecdotes of H.R.H.'s life at court, at school and university. The combination of Eastern and Western ideas, and a gift for expressing himself graphically make this a well written book which should appeal to all who like to read about travel, history and people—in fact to everyone who likes good reading."
Time and Tide.
AUTOMOBILE YEAR (Annual Automobile Review) 50/-" Beautifully printed, attractively presented, and its illustrations both in colour and half-tone are superb. Fully in Keeping are its contents covering the widest field in the world of motoring and appealing to all really interested in motoring and the motor-car as well as sportsmen. In all a remarkable record and survey of current automobilism, which must be a joy to every enthusiast."
Motor World.
MIND OVER MOTOR W. H. Charnock 15/-
From start to finish, this book is filled with humour . . . covers every phase of a lifetime of motoring activities . . . particular appeal to all vintage motoring enthusiasts and for all keen motorists it will be found to provide first-class entertainment. . . . Well worth its cost. . . The Autocar.
THE MAGIC OF A NAME H. Nockolds 25/-
Here is the wonderful story of the birth of that great British firm Rolls-Royce and the building of its sturdy foundations by Henry Royce and the Hon. C. S. Rolls. It takes you through the inter-war years with Schneider Trophy Races and land-speed records as high spots, then the firm's part in the Battle of Britain and the war years and so to the jet era.
" This is the amazing story behind the success of the Volkswagen and not the least dramatic feature of it is the personal part Hitler himself played in inspiring its design. It is the first complete story of the " People's Car " and its designer the late Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. One of the most fascinating chapters in automobile history." The Daily Mail.
.G. T. FOULIS & CO., LTD.,
7 Milford Lane, Strand, London, W.C.2 Vissza



Charles Mortimer

Charles Mortimer műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Charles Mortimer könyvek, művek
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Motoring Afloat Motoring Afloat Motoring Afloat Motoring Afloat Motoring Afloat Motoring Afloat Motoring Afloat Motoring Afloat

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