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New Rules of Sociological Method

A Positive Critique of Interpretative Sociologies


Kiadó: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 192 oldal
Sorozatcím: Hutchinson University Library
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-09-127521-0
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V Hutchinson University Library
New Ru les of Sociologica! Method Anthony Giddens Fellow ofKing's College, and Lecturer in Socio/ogy. University of Cambridge
In this, his most important project to date, Giddens examines basic .Problems of method that are
i currently of central interest in the
I social sciences. The first section of the book provides a concise criticai analysis of some leading schools of thought in social philosophy including existential phenomenology, ethnomethodology
• and post-Wittgensteinian philosophy. An extended discussion of hermeneutics and criticai theory
• juxtaposes these to Anglo-Saxon contributions to the theory of action, and préparés the grounpl for Giddens' main purpose - a re-examination of the basic problems in the philosophy ¦ of method and the development of
a new treatment of the fundamental issues concerning action.
language and what the author. calls 'the production and reproduction of society' The book • concludes with an analysis... Tovább


V Hutchinson University Library
New Ru les of Sociologica! Method Anthony Giddens Fellow ofKing's College, and Lecturer in Socio/ogy. University of Cambridge
In this, his most important project to date, Giddens examines basic .Problems of method that are
i currently of central interest in the
I social sciences. The first section of the book provides a concise criticai analysis of some leading schools of thought in social philosophy including existential phenomenology, ethnomethodology
• and post-Wittgensteinian philosophy. An extended discussion of hermeneutics and criticai theory
• juxtaposes these to Anglo-Saxon contributions to the theory of action, and préparés the grounpl for Giddens' main purpose - a re-examination of the basic problems in the philosophy ¦ of method and the development of
a new treatment of the fundamental issues concerning action.
language and what the author. calls 'the production and reproduction of society' The book • concludes with an analysis and * critique of the recent phiJosophy of science - Popper, Kuhn, Lakstos. Feyerabend and Bachelard - • « connecting these to the broad ' . ¦ scheme of analysis that thg author undertakes, and proposing some 'new rules of sociological method'.
'As a guide to the difficult intçllectual terrain inhabited by modern-socio-logists, Giddens is excellent.' ' New Society
'the doyen of younger British sociologists an impressive aod' useful piece of work; his reading in ' British, American, French and German sociology is extraordinarily wide- ¦ ranging.' •
The Times Literary Supplement
'the clarity of the exposition makes it a valuable aid to further thought.'. Papers in Urban and fiegional Studies Vissza



Anthony Giddens

Anthony Giddens műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Anthony Giddens könyvek, művek
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New Rules of Sociological Method New Rules of Sociological Method New Rules of Sociological Method New Rules of Sociological Method New Rules of Sociological Method

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