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Noose Report

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It is my sad duty to announce that crime in America, long in a state of deelinef has reached a crisis from which recovery looks doubtful. The very foundations of evil are crumbling. The superstructure of sin is tottering. Wickedness is losing groirad; depravity is out of the picture; iniquity is done for; turpitude has had it. One must rise early and work feverishly to uncover anything more serious than random naughtiness. ITie forces of darkness have packed their grips, as it were, and migrated to more hospitable climes. Virtue is in the saddle; the golden age of niceness is upon us. ' If the reader disputes these assertions, I need only refer him to the statistics presented to me recently by a contingent of reporters assigned to cover a conference on the subject faeld at Heavies' Haven, a resort near Appalachin in New York State. The facts, compüed by an independent testing service, speak eloquently in support of my thesis. For example, in 1940 the ratio of nasty people to nice... Tovább


It is my sad duty to announce that crime in America, long in a state of deelinef has reached a crisis from which recovery looks doubtful. The very foundations of evil are crumbling. The superstructure of sin is tottering. Wickedness is losing groirad; depravity is out of the picture; iniquity is done for; turpitude has had it. One must rise early and work feverishly to uncover anything more serious than random naughtiness. ITie forces of darkness have packed their grips, as it were, and migrated to more hospitable climes. Virtue is in the saddle; the golden age of niceness is upon us. ' If the reader disputes these assertions, I need only refer him to the statistics presented to me recently by a contingent of reporters assigned to cover a conference on the subject faeld at Heavies' Haven, a resort near Appalachin in New York State. The facts, compüed by an independent testing service, speak eloquently in support of my thesis. For example, in 1940 the ratio of nasty people to nice ones was 3 in 10; in 1950, 2.7 in 10; and in 1960, 1.9! Projected for 1970 is the astonishing ratio of three quarters of an unwholesome humán for every ten citizens, including servicemen overseas. Another guideline is ratty behavior. Discounting the Luciano-Dillinger Rffect and the Cosa Nostra Compensatory Gradient, we still end up with an average annual decline of 3.6% in rattiness. Similar depreciations can be pointed Vissza


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