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Our Ancestors

Three Novels - The Cloven Viscount - Baron in the Trees - The Non-Existent Knight


Kiadó: Vintage
Kiadás helye: London
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Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 382 oldal
Sorozatcím: Vintage Classics
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-099-43086-X
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italo calvino

Viscount Medardo is bisected by a Turkish cannonball on the plains of Bohemia; Báron Cosimo, at the age of twelve, retires to the trees for the rest of his days; Charlemagne's knight, Agiluf, is an empty suit of armour. These three vivid images are the points of departure for Calvino's classic triptych of morál tales, now published in one volume and all displaying the exuberant talent of a master storyteller. 'Italo Calvino has advanced far beyond his American and English contemporaries. As they continue to look for the place where the spiders make their nests, Calvino has not only found this special place but learnt how himself to make fantastic webs of prose to which all things adhere' Gore Vidal 'It is the refinement, the oddness and the humour of the thoughts he gets which make Calvino a rare pleasure to read; he is a match for Borges as he stealthily patrols the limits of the unthinkable' John Sturrock, New Review V I N T A G E Fiction C L A S S I C S... Tovább


italo calvino

Viscount Medardo is bisected by a Turkish cannonball on the plains of Bohemia; Báron Cosimo, at the age of twelve, retires to the trees for the rest of his days; Charlemagne's knight, Agiluf, is an empty suit of armour. These three vivid images are the points of departure for Calvino's classic triptych of morál tales, now published in one volume and all displaying the exuberant talent of a master storyteller. 'Italo Calvino has advanced far beyond his American and English contemporaries. As they continue to look for the place where the spiders make their nests, Calvino has not only found this special place but learnt how himself to make fantastic webs of prose to which all things adhere' Gore Vidal 'It is the refinement, the oddness and the humour of the thoughts he gets which make Calvino a rare pleasure to read; he is a match for Borges as he stealthily patrols the limits of the unthinkable' John Sturrock, New Review V I N T A G E Fiction C L A S S I C S Typographic photograph ® ^ tídwardl Letterpress produced at í - ' WJ9c ISBN 0-099-43086-X 9 / OUU39 tOUODO VINTAGE U.K. Random Houie www.randomhouse.co.uk/vlntage 9780099430865 Vissza



Italo Calvino

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