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Paolo Caliari, called Veronese


Róla szól

Kiadó: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Kiadás helye: Köln
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 140 oldal
Sorozatcím: Masters of Italian Art
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 32 cm x 28 cm
ISBN: 3-8290-2875-X
Megjegyzés: Színes reprodukciókkal.
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"Just as painted grapes once fooled birds and a painted curtain deceived a painter, I see how you, Paolo, fool nature and the gods of art. While Nature herself marvels now and then at her own miracles, there appears before her an art so splendid, so endowed beyond ail human measure that Nature takes it for her own creation, discerning everywhere her own forms in it."

VV ithin a few years of moving from his home city of Verona to Venice, Paolo Caliari (Veronese, 1528-1588) had established himself the Serene Republic as a successful fresco painter and author of memorable portraits and history paintings, ranking in importance and commercial status with Titian and Tintoretto. His richly colorful, highly detailed pictorial world is a feast for the eyes. With consummate ease, he filled great canvases with his ideas, and like no other Venetian painter before or after him mastered the art of deploying painted architecture in the service of pictorial narrative. His artistic... Tovább


"Just as painted grapes once fooled birds and a painted curtain deceived a painter, I see how you, Paolo, fool nature and the gods of art. While Nature herself marvels now and then at her own miracles, there appears before her an art so splendid, so endowed beyond ail human measure that Nature takes it for her own creation, discerning everywhere her own forms in it."

VV ithin a few years of moving from his home city of Verona to Venice, Paolo Caliari (Veronese, 1528-1588) had established himself the Serene Republic as a successful fresco painter and author of memorable portraits and history paintings, ranking in importance and commercial status with Titian and Tintoretto. His richly colorful, highly detailed pictorial world is a feast for the eyes. With consummate ease, he filled great canvases with his ideas, and like no other Venetian painter before or after him mastered the art of deploying painted architecture in the service of pictorial narrative. His artistic response to the particular intellectual, political, and social situation of Venice was highly individual. After a twilight period, his reputation as a painter was re-established in the 20th centurv. Vissza



Andreas Priever

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