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Freedom and Reason


Kiadó: Oxford University Press
Kiadás helye: Oxford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 228 oldal
Sorozatcím: Oxford Paperbacks
Kötetszám: 92
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
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'What I think about morals is up to me.' 'You can't think just what you like about moral questions.' Professor Hare's aim is to resolve this antinomy by showing how, when thinking morally, a man can be both free and rational. Out of his earlier suggestions, in The Language of Morals, about the logical character and function of moral judgements, he develops an account of the main features of moral reasoning.
Topics touched on include: 'ought' and 'can' and the problem of moral weakness; the place of imagination in moral thinking; ideals, moral and aesthetic; and the rational basis of toleration. The book ends with a more detailed practical illustration of moral reasoning, drawn from arguments about our attitude to racial conflicts,
'Mr. Hare's new book is in every sense a sequel to The Language of Morals. It is written with the same lucidity and power and the two books together are certainly destined to become a minor classic of moral philosophy.' Philosophical Books
R. M. Hare... Tovább


'What I think about morals is up to me.' 'You can't think just what you like about moral questions.' Professor Hare's aim is to resolve this antinomy by showing how, when thinking morally, a man can be both free and rational. Out of his earlier suggestions, in The Language of Morals, about the logical character and function of moral judgements, he develops an account of the main features of moral reasoning.
Topics touched on include: 'ought' and 'can' and the problem of moral weakness; the place of imagination in moral thinking; ideals, moral and aesthetic; and the rational basis of toleration. The book ends with a more detailed practical illustration of moral reasoning, drawn from arguments about our attitude to racial conflicts,
'Mr. Hare's new book is in every sense a sequel to The Language of Morals. It is written with the same lucidity and power and the two books together are certainly destined to become a minor classic of moral philosophy.' Philosophical Books
R. M. Hare is White's Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Oxford. The Language of Morals is available in Oxford Paperbacks.
19 883015 7 (10/67)
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R. M. Hare

R. M. Hare műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: R. M. Hare könyvek, művek
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