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Reflexology for Good Health


Kiadó: Melvin Powers-Wilshire Book Company
Kiadás helye: Hollywood
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 143 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-87980-383-5
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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Melvin Powers' Favorite Boo/cs HOW TO GET RICH IN MAIL ORDER
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Melvin Powers' Favorite Boo/cs HOW TO GET RICH IN MAIL ORDER
by Melvin Powers
1. How to Develop Your Mail Order Expertise 2. How to Find a Unique Product or Service to Sell 3. How to Make Money with Classified Ads 4* How to Make Money with Display Ads 5. The Unlimited Potential for Making Money with Direct Mail 6. How to Copycat Successful Mail Order Operations 7. How I Created A Best Seller Using the Copycat Technique 8. How to Start and Run a Profitable Mail Order, Special Interest Book or Record Business 9. I Enjoy Selling Books by Mai!—Some of My Successful and Not-So-Successful Ads and Direct Mail Circulars 10. Five of My Most Successful Direct Mail Pieces That Sold and Are Still Selling Millions of Dollars Worth of Books i 1. Melvin Powers' Mail Order Success Strategy—Follow It and You'll Become a Millionaire 12. How to Sell Your Products to Mail Order Companies, Retail Outlets, Jobbers, and Fund Raisers for Maximum Distribution and Profits 13. How to Get Free Display Ads and Publicity That Can Put You on the Road to Riches 14. How to Make Your Advertising Copy Sizzle to Make You Wealthy 15. Questions and Answers to Help You Get Started Making Money in Your Own Mail Order Business 16. A Personal Word from Melvin Powers .
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Contents: by Les Giblin
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Contents: h Melvin Powers
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The books listed above can be obtained from your book dealer or directly from Melvin Powers.
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