
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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First Strike!

The Pentagon's Strategy For Nuclear War


Kiadó: South End Press
Kiadás helye: Boston
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 325 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-89608-154-0
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér fotóval, illusztrációval.
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Disarmament/ Politics*
The Pentagon's Strategy for Nuclear War Robert C. Aldridge
Robert C. Aldridge, a former design engineer for the Polaris and Trident missile systems offers a chilling and comprehensive survey of U.S. nuclear forces and strategic doctrines. First Strike exposes the U.S. military's dangerous bid for a "first strike" capability—the capability to launch a nuclear war with relative impunity—and traces the logie of this strategy to its deadly conclusion. The development of each component of the U.S. "first strike" arsenal is examined—the Trident submarine and missile, the MX missile, penetrating bombers and cruise missiles, and anti-submarine and satellite warfare—in the context of Soviet capabilities and the defense requirements of the U.S. With unfailing logic and an insider's knowledge, Aldridge démystifies strategic doctrine and weaponry and reveals Jhe aggressive and destablizing nature of America's emerging first-strike capability.... Tovább


Disarmament/ Politics*
The Pentagon's Strategy for Nuclear War Robert C. Aldridge
Robert C. Aldridge, a former design engineer for the Polaris and Trident missile systems offers a chilling and comprehensive survey of U.S. nuclear forces and strategic doctrines. First Strike exposes the U.S. military's dangerous bid for a "first strike" capability—the capability to launch a nuclear war with relative impunity—and traces the logie of this strategy to its deadly conclusion. The development of each component of the U.S. "first strike" arsenal is examined—the Trident submarine and missile, the MX missile, penetrating bombers and cruise missiles, and anti-submarine and satellite warfare—in the context of Soviet capabilities and the defense requirements of the U.S. With unfailing logic and an insider's knowledge, Aldridge démystifies strategic doctrine and weaponry and reveals Jhe aggressive and destablizing nature of America's emerging first-strike capability.
Aldtidge's analysis of the arms race and the military-industrial complex highlights the interaction between foreign and military policy, corporate imperatives, and technological developments. First Strike provides an accessible introduction to the arms race and the "nuclear establishment" as well as a critical warning about the future of U.S. policy. Vissza



Robert C. Aldridge

Robert C. Aldridge műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Robert C. Aldridge könyvek, művek
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