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Politics at Work


Kiadó: Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd.
Kiadás helye: Leckhampton
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 190 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-7487-1113-9
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkat tartalmaz.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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This is a revised and extended édition of the successful book Organizational Behaviour: Politics at Work.
The political approach to the study of organizational behaviour, whicn was relatively new when the book was first published, has now become widely recognized.
Organizations do not have goals - only people do. Furthermore, people within the same organizations have different goals. Politics at Work takes this as its starting point, recognizing that organizations are a dynamic coalition of individuals and groups competing and co-operating as they each pursue their various objectives.
The most significant factor in organizational life is power. There are few situations in which one is not both wielding power and yet subject to it It is an element in the goals of individuals, and a determining factor in the means available to achieve these goals.
The acceptance of the need to 'empower* managers by encouraging a proactive disposition and teaching political... Tovább


This is a revised and extended édition of the successful book Organizational Behaviour: Politics at Work.
The political approach to the study of organizational behaviour, whicn was relatively new when the book was first published, has now become widely recognized.
Organizations do not have goals - only people do. Furthermore, people within the same organizations have different goals. Politics at Work takes this as its starting point, recognizing that organizations are a dynamic coalition of individuals and groups competing and co-operating as they each pursue their various objectives.
The most significant factor in organizational life is power. There are few situations in which one is not both wielding power and yet subject to it It is an element in the goals of individuals, and a determining factor in the means available to achieve these goals.
The acceptance of the need to 'empower* managers by encouraging a proactive disposition and teaching political skills is a core part of the tranformation of management thinking which also includes ideas such as 'Customer Care', 'Total Quality Management", 'Strategie Thinking1 and 'Culture Management. Many of these 'new wave management ideas are discussed here.
The book is in three parts. In Part One ideas about organizations are reviewed and the political approach is explained. In Part Two the maior themes of organizational behaviour, motivation, leadersnip, group dynamics and organizational cultures, structures and climates are presented and discussed in the light of the political perspective. In Part Three, the political approach is developed to the point where the reader should De better able to understand and act in political situations.
Bob Lee is currently an independent management consultant He was formerly Senior Ledurer in the Department of Management Studies at Loughborough University of Technology.
Peter Lawrence is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management Studies at Loughborough University of Tëchnology. Vissza


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Politics at Work Politics at Work Politics at Work Politics at Work Politics at Work Politics at Work Politics at Work

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