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Rockets, Missiles, and Space Travel

With New Data on the Space Age/The up-to-tomorrow story of rocket development and space-travel prospects


Kiadó: The Viking Press
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény kötés
Oldalszám: 556 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókat és illusztrációkat tartalmaz.
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Willy Ley
"Ley is probably the best known exponent of the developing science and art of rocketry and space travel in the world today. He has used his long expérience and interest to write a momentous volume that is packed full of information, charm, and speculation. . . — Scientific Monthly
From his youth Willy Ley was fascinated by all aspects of scientific fact and theory. Planning originally to be a geologist, he became interested in astronautics in the early 1920s. A pioneer in this field, he was one of the founders of the German Rocket Society in 1927.
Mr. Ley came to the United States in 1935 and is now an American citizen. In addition to writing many popular science books, his activities include extensive lecturing before "live" audiences, as well as on radio and television, and contributing articles to scientific and popular periodicals. He has served as technical adviser for several television science programs, as science editor for a New York newspaper, as research... Tovább


Willy Ley
"Ley is probably the best known exponent of the developing science and art of rocketry and space travel in the world today. He has used his long expérience and interest to write a momentous volume that is packed full of information, charm, and speculation. . . — Scientific Monthly
From his youth Willy Ley was fascinated by all aspects of scientific fact and theory. Planning originally to be a geologist, he became interested in astronautics in the early 1920s. A pioneer in this field, he was one of the founders of the German Rocket Society in 1927.
Mr. Ley came to the United States in 1935 and is now an American citizen. In addition to writing many popular science books, his activities include extensive lecturing before "live" audiences, as well as on radio and television, and contributing articles to scientific and popular periodicals. He has served as technical adviser for several television science programs, as science editor for a New York newspaper, as research engineer for the Washington Institute of Technology, and as consultant to the Department of Commerce's Office of Technical Services. Mr. Ley was recently appointed professor in the Science Department of Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Revised and Enlarged for the 1960's
ROCKETS, MISSILES, AND SPACE TRAVEL Illustrated with photographs and diagrams
This definitive source book in its field has already had eighteen printings and three complete revisions since it was first published in 1944. Now it has again been brought up to date, with new material on the first three years of the Space Age.
The original edition, entitled Rockets, dealt half with the past and half with the future; but events moved so fast that a thorough revision, called Rockets and Space Travel, was made in 1946. A few printings later, research on high-altitude rockets, predicted in the first edition, was in full swing. By 1951 advances in missiles and astronautics theory caused a second complete overhaul and another expansion of the title.
Since then there has been rapid progress all along the line. Accordingly, in the 1957 revision, forty per cent of the material related to the past, forty per cent to the present, and only twenty per cent to the future — and the near future at that.
A few weeks after the 1957 revision came the birth of the Space Age, which brought confirmation of earlier theories and prophecies. Now, in this latest printing, the book has been expanded to include a complete listing of data on orbital shots and space probes in the Space-Age Years I, II, and III. Information is given on the Soviet missile impact on the moon, American weather and communications satellites, the recovery of space capsules containing animals, and the Van Allen radiation belts. A probable timetable is presented for future events in man's dramatic conquest of space.
There are three appendixes and a bibliography; the fact that the latter has more than tripled indicates the constantly growing interest in the subject, of which Willy Ley remains the authoritative popular historian. Vissza



Willy Ley

Willy Ley műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Willy Ley könyvek, művek
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