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Sackett's Land


Kiadó: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 198 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-8415-0342-7
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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Here is an original novel from Louis L'Amour, America's best-selling and most highly-rated writer of Western novels.
Sackett's Land is the story of the first Sackett to come to America. Barnabas Saekett is a man of independent mind and strong spirit, a farmer and hunter who is willing to be a fighter and adventurer in his search to find and make his place in a new land.
This engaging novel takes Barnabas from his struggles in the Enghsh countryside to intrigue in Elizabethan London, to sailing on the uncharted seas, to piracy and sea battles, to trade with the Indians, to escapes from his enemies, to a return to London with impressive riches, to a new launch into the New World.
As L'Amour explains in his preface to Sackett's Land: "We are all of us the children of immigrants and foreigners-even the American Indian. What a man is and what he becomes is in part due to his heritage, and the men and women who came west did not emerge suddenly from limbo " The... Tovább


Here is an original novel from Louis L'Amour, America's best-selling and most highly-rated writer of Western novels.
Sackett's Land is the story of the first Sackett to come to America. Barnabas Saekett is a man of independent mind and strong spirit, a farmer and hunter who is willing to be a fighter and adventurer in his search to find and make his place in a new land.
This engaging novel takes Barnabas from his struggles in the Enghsh countryside to intrigue in Elizabethan London, to sailing on the uncharted seas, to piracy and sea battles, to trade with the Indians, to escapes from his enemies, to a return to London with impressive riches, to a new launch into the New World.
As L'Amour explains in his preface to Sackett's Land: "We are all of us the children of immigrants and foreigners-even the American Indian. What a man is and what he becomes is in part due to his heritage, and the men and women who came west did not emerge suddenly from limbo " The story of Barnabas Sackett is, in a true sense, a part of the real story of what happened on the American frontier.
The novel is rich with detail, historical background and story telling. The story is sure-handed and exciting, the canvas is broad and bright, and the reality and richness of the start of the American frontier rings out on every page. Sackett's Land is one of L'Amour's best.
LOUIS L'AMOUR ca„ .ace h.
own family history in America back to 1638 and follow the family's steady progress westward, "always on the frontier." He has pubHshed more than 50 novels and over 400 short stories. Born in North Dakota, he now lives in southern California with his wife Kathy and their two children.
Jacket painting by William Chapman Vissza

Louis L'Amour

Louis L'Amour műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Louis L'Amour könyvek, művek
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Sackett's Land Sackett's Land Sackett's Land Sackett's Land

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