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5000 Ft
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Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers


Kiadó: Stacey International
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 128 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 29 cm
ISBN: 0-905743-741
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers covers the period between the 1860s and 1950s. It is an extraordinary visual record of a crucial time before the old way of life was swept away. Remote and unfamiliar locations feature strongly, with the collection concentrating on the people and places of the Hijaz, Najd, al-Hasa, Ha'il and the north, Asir, Najran and the Tihamah, to illustrate the immemorial way of life, now all but entirely vanished.
It draws on all the known photographic collections from the time of the first traveller-photographers: Muhammad Sadiq, Mirza and Sons and Snouck Hurgronje ('Abd al-Ghaffar) in the last decades of the 1800s; Ibrahim Rifaat, Clemow and Hallajian at the turn of the century; Gertrude Bell, Shakespear, T.E. Lawrence and Philby in the first quarter; and so to de Gaury, Rendel and Thesiger in the 1930s and 1940s, with Battigelli, Steineke and other Aramco photographers.
These remarkable pictures are accompanied by a text setting them in their... Tovább


Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers covers the period between the 1860s and 1950s. It is an extraordinary visual record of a crucial time before the old way of life was swept away. Remote and unfamiliar locations feature strongly, with the collection concentrating on the people and places of the Hijaz, Najd, al-Hasa, Ha'il and the north, Asir, Najran and the Tihamah, to illustrate the immemorial way of life, now all but entirely vanished.
It draws on all the known photographic collections from the time of the first traveller-photographers: Muhammad Sadiq, Mirza and Sons and Snouck Hurgronje ('Abd al-Ghaffar) in the last decades of the 1800s; Ibrahim Rifaat, Clemow and Hallajian at the turn of the century; Gertrude Bell, Shakespear, T.E. Lawrence and Philby in the first quarter; and so to de Gaury, Rendel and Thesiger in the 1930s and 1940s, with Battigelli, Steineke and other Aramco photographers.
These remarkable pictures are accompanied by a text setting them in their historical context, by William Facey, one of today's outstanding historians of the Arabian Peninsula. His commentary is accompanied by a detailed coverage of the aims, styles and photographic equipment, written by Gillian Grant, formerly archivist of the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College, Oxford.
This skilled assembly of outstanding early photographs, some never previously published, and several more lost to sight for many decades, makes this the first general work of its kind devoted to Saudi Arabia and an unparalleled resource for the historian.
Cover: A family of the Ruwaia tribe prepares to move camp, northern Arabia. (Raswan c.1920)
Stacey Intemational - London Vissza


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Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers Saudi Arabia by the First Photographers

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15.000 ,-Ft
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