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An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria


Kiadó: Collier Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 157 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 10 cm
ISBN: 0-02-076250-X
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A beállítást mentettük,
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PSYCHOLOGY >>$4-clS Dora i "Her homosexual... love for Frau K. was the strongest unconscious current in her mentái life." An appealing and intelligent eighteen-year-old girl to whom Freud gives the pseudonym "Dora" is the subject of a case history that has all the intrigue and unexpected twists of a first-rate detective növel. Freud pursues the secrets of Dora's psyche by using as clues her nervous mannerisms, her own reports on the peculiarities of her family, and the content of her dreams. The personalities involved in Dora's disturbed emotional life were, in their own ways, as complex as she: an obsessive mother, an adulterous father, her father's mistress, Frau K., and Frau K.'s husband, who had made amorous advances to Dora. But through Freud's genius in unraveling Dora's motives and the tangled relationships that led to her confused inclinations toward men and women, the roots of Dora's problem are completely revealed to the reader. Freud's analytic talent and literary skill... Tovább


PSYCHOLOGY >>$4-clS Dora i "Her homosexual... love for Frau K. was the strongest unconscious current in her mentái life." An appealing and intelligent eighteen-year-old girl to whom Freud gives the pseudonym "Dora" is the subject of a case history that has all the intrigue and unexpected twists of a first-rate detective növel. Freud pursues the secrets of Dora's psyche by using as clues her nervous mannerisms, her own reports on the peculiarities of her family, and the content of her dreams. The personalities involved in Dora's disturbed emotional life were, in their own ways, as complex as she: an obsessive mother, an adulterous father, her father's mistress, Frau K., and Frau K.'s husband, who had made amorous advances to Dora. But through Freud's genius in unraveling Dora's motives and the tangled relationships that led to her confused inclinations toward men and women, the roots of Dora's problem are completely revealed to the reader. Freud's analytic talent and literary skill combine to offer exciting insights into. the art of psychoanalysis. Philip Rieff is the author of Freud, The Mind of a Morálist and other works. Other volumes in The Collected Papers of Sigmund Freud: Vissza



Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Sigmund Freud könyvek, művek
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