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Kiadó: Penguin Books
Kiadás helye: Harmondsworth
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 237 oldal
Sorozatcím: Pelican Original
Kötetszám: A253
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
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Spinoza is probably the most difficult of all the great philosophers to understand at first reading and without somé generál introduction to his methods and purposes. He is alsó supremely worth understanding, as one of the greatest of the metaphysicians who have tried to construct a coherent account of the universe and of man's place within it. His system embraces the whole rangé of the traditional problems of philosophy including the problems of a creator and his creation, the relation of mind and body, the freedom of the will, the nature and limits of humán knowledge, and alsó the problems of morál and political philosophy; all the main themes of philosophical speculation can be found in his work. This book is designed as a generál introduction which explains the connexions between the various aspects of Spinoza's philosophy, between his logic and his metaphysics, and again between his metaphysics and his morál and political doctrines. This book is a model of its kind ... Mr... Tovább


Spinoza is probably the most difficult of all the great philosophers to understand at first reading and without somé generál introduction to his methods and purposes. He is alsó supremely worth understanding, as one of the greatest of the metaphysicians who have tried to construct a coherent account of the universe and of man's place within it. His system embraces the whole rangé of the traditional problems of philosophy including the problems of a creator and his creation, the relation of mind and body, the freedom of the will, the nature and limits of humán knowledge, and alsó the problems of morál and political philosophy; all the main themes of philosophical speculation can be found in his work. This book is designed as a generál introduction which explains the connexions between the various aspects of Spinoza's philosophy, between his logic and his metaphysics, and again between his metaphysics and his morál and political doctrines. This book is a model of its kind ... Mr Hampshire's critical summary of the system is admirable: it is full, clear - or as clear as the subject allows - agreeably written, wastes no words and shirks no difficulties1 - Times Literary Supplemerit The engraving of Spinoza on the cover is by Peter Reddick Vissza



Stuart Hampshire

Stuart Hampshire műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Stuart Hampshire könyvek, művek
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