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The Analysis of Sensations

And the relation of the physical to the psychical


Kiadó: Dover Publications, Inc.
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 396 oldal
Sorozatcím: Dover
Kötetszám: S525
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 14 cm
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér ábrát tartalmaz.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Ernst Mach was the initiator of the systematic study of the philosophy of science, and one of the most brilliant thinkers to come out of the intellectual excitement of the 19th century. He has exercised a profound influence on modern definitions of "science" and "truth." Albert Einstein wrote, "I see Mach's greatness in his incorruptible skepticism and independence . . . Mach's epistemological system . . . influenced me very greatly."
"The Analysis of Sensations" begins with a discussion of the relation of problems of psychological perception to classical physics. It proceeds to an analysis of functional relations; the supposed dualism of the physical and mental; the principle of continuity, its influence on the process of learning and methods of investigation; the theory of color sensations; causality and teleology; the difference between optical and geometrical similarity and its significance; evolution of the senses; spatial perception, optical illusions; the... Tovább


Ernst Mach was the initiator of the systematic study of the philosophy of science, and one of the most brilliant thinkers to come out of the intellectual excitement of the 19th century. He has exercised a profound influence on modern definitions of "science" and "truth." Albert Einstein wrote, "I see Mach's greatness in his incorruptible skepticism and independence . . . Mach's epistemological system . . . influenced me very greatly."
"The Analysis of Sensations" begins with a discussion of the relation of problems of psychological perception to classical physics. It proceeds to an analysis of functional relations; the supposed dualism of the physical and mental; the principle of continuity, its influence on the process of learning and methods of investigation; the theory of color sensations; causality and teleology; the difference between optical and geometrical similarity and its significance; evolution of the senses; spatial perception, optical illusions; the sense of balance; the will as an organic manifestation, volition and the nervous system; interposition of mind between images and sensations; memory; sensation of time, time and dreams; the psychology of sound; and contemporary reactions to these ideas.
"The Analysis of Sensations" describes scores of experiments and observations in optics, acoustics, music, graphics", mechanics, psychology, etc. What was obvious to. others was to him a subject for thought, experiment, and observation. This book is especially • valuable in showing Mach's faculty of discovering something new and startling in what had hitherto seemed exhausted. Vissza



Dr. Ernst Mach

Dr. Ernst Mach műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Dr. Ernst Mach könyvek, művek
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