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The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Róla szól

Kiadó: Walter J. Black
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 300 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 19 cm x 14 cm
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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An American for Ali Seasons^.
He was born into an obscure Boston soap-boiler's family—and became a world-famed statesman and diplomát. He had little formai education—and became the first great American man of letters. He worked long hours as a printer—and hisspare time exper-iments changed the shape of science
Benjámin Franklin's life was far more varied than most men's; it made for an autobiog-raphy that, begun in 1771, remains today fresh, diversified and thoroughly entertain-ing. Here, in simple, salty language, Franklin telis of his early fortune-seeking adven-tures in pre-Revolutionary New York and Philadelphia, describes his many useful in-ventions, and puts forth the homely philos-ophy that helped him guide the formation of these United States. Part of his story deals with his travels in Europe, where Franklin — a Yankee Puritán — was recog-nized as a true spirit of the 18th century enlightenment, a man whose candor and common sense earned respect not only for himself... Tovább


An American for Ali Seasons^.
He was born into an obscure Boston soap-boiler's family—and became a world-famed statesman and diplomát. He had little formai education—and became the first great American man of letters. He worked long hours as a printer—and hisspare time exper-iments changed the shape of science
Benjámin Franklin's life was far more varied than most men's; it made for an autobiog-raphy that, begun in 1771, remains today fresh, diversified and thoroughly entertain-ing. Here, in simple, salty language, Franklin telis of his early fortune-seeking adven-tures in pre-Revolutionary New York and Philadelphia, describes his many useful in-ventions, and puts forth the homely philos-ophy that helped him guide the formation of these United States. Part of his story deals with his travels in Europe, where Franklin — a Yankee Puritán — was recog-nized as a true spirit of the 18th century enlightenment, a man whose candor and common sense earned respect not only for himself but for the fledgling colonies. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJÁMIN FRANKLIN went through several printings in Europe before its first American edition in 1818; it is now considered a landmark in world literature. Vissza



Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Benjamin Franklin könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

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